Conceptual World Picture in the Danubian Communities’ Language Consciousness


  • Tetiana Soroka Izmail State University of Humanities


language consciousness; language mapping of the world; concept; semantic field; microfield


The article is focused on integral research of linguacognitive structure of concepts reflected
in linguistic consciousness of native speakers of the Danubian communities. The stages and ways of
concepts’ studying; the structure of concept and its determinations existing in modern science are
analysed, as well as the phenomenon “concept” is separated from contiguous notions and
terminological synonyms. The field approach is grounded to the analysis of concepts; the principles of
conceptual analysis are foreshortened in a semantic field. Based on the forming meanings the content
of concepts is determined. The sense filling of the concepts is exposed in the nuclear planes and on the
peripheral areas within the limits of the semantic fields. The typical and nationally-specific semantic
constituents of explored concepts of the noted ethnic associations are found out.

Author Biography

Tetiana Soroka, Izmail State University of Humanities

Associate Professor, PhD


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How to Cite

Soroka, T. (2020). Conceptual World Picture in the Danubian Communities’ Language Consciousness: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 10(1). Retrieved from



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