Cultural Ethnoconcepts and Substantial Ethnocodes of Moldavians in the Interpretation of National Values Vector


  • Yuliana Babina “Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University


national Bessarabian carpet; ethnic ornament; cultural ethnoconcept; Carpathian-Danubian region; culture identity


The purpose of this article is to find and approve the definition of key terms: cultural ethno
concept and substantial code.The national carpet, as well as the ethnic ornament, is one of the main
cultural ethnoconcepts and substantial ethnic codes of the Moldavian nation, as well as for a number of
other nationalities of the Carpathian-Danubian region. Prior Work– the research is built in a logical
manner on the basis of the analysis of many studies of foreign and modern Moldovan scientists,
museum exhibitions and artifacts, the author’s own empirical observations in the course of creative and
work activities. Approach– presents a collection of information, a combination of methods, both
theoretical and practical, of cultural studies was used, including polls and questionnaires in the course
of experimental work with artists and students, observation, synthesizing and systematizing, and
comparative analysis of information. Results– We believe that these cultural ethnoconcepts, codes,
ethnic constants are real structure-forming frameworks, configurations that crystallize certain adaptive
and constantly evolving cultural models. Implications– each element of the cultural and historical
heritage of the people has a powerful and immortal value content that determines the cultural picture of
the world of a given ethnic community for future centuries. Traditional values and cultural ethnoconcepts
of the peoples of the Carpathian-Danube zone perform the most important role of culture as a
whole, a protective function, the role of a talisman and represent an inextricable link between
generations and times with eternal high spiritual values.


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How to Cite

Babina, Y. (2020). Cultural Ethnoconcepts and Substantial Ethnocodes of Moldavians in the Interpretation of National Values Vector: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 10(1). Retrieved from



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