An Interdisciplinary Approach in Preparing Future Music Teachers for Professional Activities: a Methodological Aspect


  • Zhanna Sirotkina Izmail State Humanitarian University


Interdisciplinary approach; future music teachers; professional activity; pedagogical conditions; unique techniques


The professional activities of a music teacher are very diverse and diverse. Therefore, there
is an urgent problem of creating unique methods of preparing students for future musical and
pedagogical activities. In particular, the creation of the necessary conditions such as the presence of
system-integrative connections, the formation of methodological competence among students, the
development of a broad methodological environment as the basis for students to master the complex of
methods of musical training and education in order to organize various types of musical activity of
students. It should also be taken into account that the process of methodological preparation as an
integrated system of relations between teachers and students is carried out under the influence of many
factors, each of which plays a specific role, determined by its content and orientation of the impact. A
promising way to introduce future teacher-musicians into the training process is the following
principles: systemicity, integrativity, determinism, emergence, interaction between a pedagogical
university and a school, and the like.

Author Biography

Zhanna Sirotkina, Izmail State Humanitarian University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, PhD, Head of the Department of Music and
Fine Arts


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How to Cite

Sirotkina, Z. (2020). An Interdisciplinary Approach in Preparing Future Music Teachers for Professional Activities: a Methodological Aspect: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 10(1). Retrieved from



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