Acta Universitatis Danubius. Administratio <p><strong>Frequency: 1</strong> issue per year (December)<br /><strong>Print ISSN: 2068 - 5459 </strong><br /><strong>Online ISSN: 2069-9336</strong><br /><br /></p> en-US <p>The author fully assumes the content originality and the holograph signature makes him responsible in case of trial.</p> (Iulian Savenco) (Andrei Tatulici) Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 The Role of Bureaucracy in Europe for Promoting Democracy, Equality, Good Governance and Social Justice <p>Bureaucracy is a vital component in promoting democracy, equality, good governance, and social justice in Europe. It ensures the rules of law, promotes transparency and accountability, delivers efficient and effective public services, enhances administrative capacity and also contributes to the democratic process and the well-being of European citizens. This paper highlights the importance of bureaucracy in upholding democratic principles, equality, good governance, and social justice in Europe and further examines the strengths and challenges, focusing on the rule of law, transparency, accountability, public service delivery, and administrative capacity. The research seeks to identify the potential areas for improvement within bureaucratic frameworks, providing a nuanced understanding of the mechanisms that can enhance societal well-being. The study employs a multi-faceted methodology, combining qualitative and quantitative approaches, through in-depth case studies, interviews with key stakeholders, and a comprehensive analysis of bureaucratic policies and practices. The expected results include insights into the ways in which bureaucracy influences democratic processes, fosters equality, ensures good governance, and contributes to social justice outcomes in Europe. The paper concludes with recommendations for bureaucratic reforms and innovative approaches to enhance bureaucracies’ effectiveness in fulfilling their democratic and social responsibilities. The findings are expected to have significant implications for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers in public administration extend to the broader global context, offering valuable lessons for regions grappling with similar challenges in promoting democracy, equality, good governance, and social justice.</p> Junaid Butt Copyright (c) 2024 Junaid Butt Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Impact of National Social Intervention Programme (Nsip) on Women and Youths Empowerment in Nigeria <p>The study examined the role of National Social Intervention on women and youth’s empowerment in Nigeria. Empowerment theory propounded by Solomon, (1976) was adopted as theory framework. The study adopted survey and documentary research design. The population of this study comprises of N-Power Volunteer Corps, public primary school Teachers, N-power officials, public primary school Pupils and vulnerable Nigerians that benefited from conditional Cash Transfer. Purposive, stratified and simple random sampling technique was used to select a representative from the entire population. Two method of data collection was utilized; primary method and secondary method. The survey used a combination of questionnaires and in-depth interviews to account for the wide range of experiences and viewpoints among respondents. Stratified and simple random sampling was used to select a representative sample from the larger population. The total population is 137,600,000 consisting of N-Power Volunteer Corps, N-power Build, and N-power Knowledge and Women. Two statistical techniques of data analysis were utilized; they are descriptive and inferential statistical techniques: The descriptive statistics will be used to present and interpret quantitative data. Descriptive statistics are; frequency table, percentage and figure. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to present and analyze the data. Out of the three hundred and seventy-eight (378) questionnaire distributed to the N-power beneficiaries in Nigeria, only three hundred and thirty-five (335) representing (89%) were duly completed and returned while Forty-three (43) (11%) were missing. In the same vein, out of the three hundred and eighty-four (384) questionnaires distributed to the Teachers Public Primary in Nigeria, only three hundred and thirty one (331) representing (86%) were duly completed and returned while fifty-four (54) representing (14%) were missing. Finding from the study revealed that, -power Programme as actually empowered unemployed graduate in Nigeria. N-power scheme have engaged graduate in four sectors of Nigerian Economy. These include; education, health, tax and agriculture. The temporary engagement of graduate in the scheme has led to proficiency skills in ICT, financial empowerment, on the job experience, investment in small scale businesses and above all reduced poverty in Nigeria. The study also revealed that, N-power build and knowledge has not contributed to poverty reduction in Nigeria. Youth trained on vocational skill were not empowered at the end of the training. This means that, all these efforts have not been translated into employment generation for self-reliance. The study further revealed that, finding from the analysis revealed that, Home Grown School Feeding of the Federal Government have empowered women, farmers as well as well-being of public primary school children in Nigeria. It was equally revealed that, about 14,000 vulnerable Nigeria are benefiting from Conditional Cash Transfer Scheme in Nigeria. Five (5,000) thousand is been paid monthly to poorest of the poor in every community in Nigeria and every payment is done through the beneficiary’s bank account.</p> Zakari Musa, Julius Eyanuku, Madu Mavis, Jibril Ubale Yahaya Copyright (c) 2024 Zakari Musa, Julius Eyanuku, Madu Mavis, Jibril Ubale Yahaya Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Comparative Study Regarding Combating and Preventing Corruption in Romania and the Republic of Moldova <p>The present paper wants to analyse the level of corruption in Romania and Moldova, the legal framework for civil liability, and the institutions responsible for preventing and combating corruption. Even if the respective countries differ in their form of government, international status, level of development, the fact that Romania is a member of UE, number of populations, and territory, it is known the fact that the Moldova legislation has changed in recent years, especially as concerning anti-corruption; many measures are inspired by Romanian and European legislation. Nobody has yet found a solution of guaranteed efficacy for the reduction and, ultimately, elimination of corruption in a society. With regards to the phenomenon of corruption, it is a truth accepted unanimously, according to which criminal prosecution, and disciplinary sanction against corrupted individuals can eliminate the offender, but cannot eradicate corruption. Consequently, corruption control can be implemented efficiently through society’s economic, political and moral recovery. Thus, we follow the similarities and differences between the two countries using a case study, and research at different international and regional organizations, to reach the conclusion referring to anticorruption measures and the way of civil liability in the two mentioned states.</p> Iuliana Weber Copyright (c) 2024 Iuliana Weber Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Women Parliamentary Representation in Africa and Growth of Women Businesses <p>The connection between women representation in parliament and the extent of substantive representation of women’s interest remains ambiguous. Objective: this paper aims to understand if women representation in African parliament catalyses growth in women business ownership in Africa. Prior work: the paper inclines on the normative theory of democracy and the theory of politics of presence through the lens of descriptive or substantive representation. Approach: The paper’s method is both theoretical and quantitative. It uses a cross-sectional secondary data for women in parliament and women ownership of businesses for a sample of 26 African countries, through the application of simple regression analysis. Result: The regression result, which emerges at P&gt;0.05 indicates that within the confines of the 26 African countries used as the sample, women's representations in these African parliaments have not catalysed a significant effect on women’s business ownership in Africa. Implications: The paper provides policy and academic implication as an academic study material in university administration and development classes and for women political manifesto guide. It also provides an agenda for further research. Value: The paper contributes to the political theory of presence by ushering a different result linked to women’s business interests based on an African sample. The paper also contributes a framework and suggests a new concept of inquiry for additional gender equality advocacy, namely the inclusion of women-in-women advocacy for political participation and women’s interest.</p> Collins Ngwakwe, Mamoloko F. Rachidi Copyright (c) 2024 Collins Ngwakwe, Mamoloko F. Rachidi Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Albania: A Closer Look at Scientific Research Challenges <p>Scientific research is very important for the development of every country and, moreover, for the progress of a developing country with long delays in its development that also aspires to be a member of the European Union. The intensity of scientific research is a valuable indicator of how much knowledge a country generates and how to ensure the further distribution of this knowledge in society with the help of universities, organizations, and institutions. So, it is an <a href="">undeniable</a> <a href="">fact</a> that at times of crisis, especially in the ambit of globalization, science has regained many times the status of “the savior” of the globe. But what about Albania? What are the main challenges of scientific research in Albania? Is the researcher considering a valuable asset for moderating and transferring scientific outcomes in society? Are Albanian researchers' needs and difficulties considered? In this way, the purpose of the following paragraphs is not to summarize the history of science but to evoke the importance of this irreversible scientific journey of mankind, address the main challenges facing Albanian researchers, and question the future of science in Albania.</p> Rudina Lipi, Ilirjan Lipi, Evis Kumi Copyright (c) 2024 Rudina Lipi, Ilirjan Lipi, Evis Kumi Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Covid- 19 Vaccines Apathy in Rural Nigerian Communities <p>The emergence of Covid -19 in Wuhan China, and its declaration as a global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) raises series of concerns across different nations of the world. The discovery and massive production of vaccines to curb the scourge of the virus brought health sanity and relief to the world. Unfortunately, in a country like Nigeria with poor health infrastructure, and a poor doctor-patient ratio, the level of apathy towards Covid-19 vaccines remains high. This study examined apathy towards Covid-19 vaccines in rural Nigerian communities. The study employed the positivist approach of research design in which a survey was used to generate data. The findings indicate that family, friends, and acquaintances constituted the major source of information about Covid-19 vaccines, as only a few percent of the respondents received information on Covid-19 vaccines from health professionals. The data analyzed also shows that fear of side effects, the asymptomatic status of individuals, and perceived ineffectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines were the main reasons for apathy towards Covid-19 vaccines. The findings of the study also indicate the suitability of the Health Believe Model in understanding the health-seeking behavior of people in light of a global pandemic and worldwide vaccination intervention.</p> OLUMIDE AJAYI, OLABISI AJAYI-OLUAJAYI Copyright (c) 2024 OLUMIDE AJAYI, OLABISI AJAYI-OLUAJAYI Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000