Acta Universitatis Danubius. Communicatio 2024-03-27T09:05:26+00:00 Cristinel Munteanu Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Frequency:&nbsp; 2 issues per year</strong>&nbsp;(June, December)<br><strong>Print ISSN: 1844-7562</strong><br><strong>Online ISSN: 2069 – 0398</strong><br><br></p> Isocrates and the Culture of Discourse 2024-03-27T09:01:15+00:00 Cristinel Munteanu <p>In this article, I aim at presenting and commenting on a series of interesting ideas discovered in Isocrates’ ancient discourses, precisely those ideas referring to the importance of language for man in general, seen as a social being. In this regard, one should notice the specific meaning he gave to the Old Greek term <em>philosophia</em>, understood as ‘the culture of discourse’. In other words, I will try to prove that Isocrates’ rhetorical work deserves more appreciation from the specialists or researchers who deal with linguistic ideas and problems of philosophy of language.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cristinel Munteanu The Stylistic Value of Some Phraseologisms from I. Creangă and P. Ispirescu’s Fairy Tales 2024-03-27T09:05:26+00:00 Elvira Buzoianu-Ambrinoc <p>Phraseologisms are very important in creating the universe of the fairy tales, because this<br />type of narrative discourse is characterized by specific features. In addition to the fact that they help<br />framing the literary genre, phraseologisms also give expressiveness to the narrative discourse. Most<br />of the expressions are connected to the main themes identified in the fairy tales authored by Ispirescu<br />and Creangă, so they are used in a similar manner in both writers’ works. A slight difference can be<br />noticed in the way Ispirescu necessarily adheres to respect the authenticity of the collected fairy tales,<br />while Creangă creatively distances himself from the literary genre. The beauty of the language they<br />both use is obviously due to the phraseologisms as well.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elvira Buzoianu-Ambrinoc Some Remarks concerning the Expressivity of the Romanian Language 2024-03-27T09:02:38+00:00 Mihaela Voicu-Stanciu <p>In this article, I aim at presenting some relevant opinions regarding the concept of<br />expressiveness from a stylistic point of view. Most of these opinions and ideas, taken here into<br />consideration, belong to Romanian linguists or literary critics (such as Iorgu Iordan, Tudor Vianu,<br />Dumitru Caracostea, Ion Coteanu and others), even when they try to interprete or to adapt (according<br />to their own perspective) the conceptions of some important foreign linguists (such as Ch. Bally, R.<br />Jakobson et alii). At the same time, mention must be made that a goal of this article is to render the<br />respective Romanian ideas in connection to the expressive (linguistic) resources of the Romanian<br />language itself.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mihaela Voicu-Stanciu Journalism and History 2024-03-27T08:58:23+00:00 Eugenio Coseriu <p>In this translated article (which, initially, was a conference delivered in Barcelona in 1991),<br />Eugenio Coseriu dealt with the relation between journalism and history, presenting, most of all, his<br />conception about journalism and its mission in the modern world. Thus, the Romanian scholar added<br />new ideas to his previous study regarding the relation between journalism and literature. During his<br />stay in Barcelona, as an invited speaker, Coseriu had the chance to read the first doctoral thesis (in the<br />world) devoted to journalism, a dissertation defended in 1690, at the University of Leipzig, by Tobias<br />Peucer and published in the same year. Consequently, Coseriu also commented extensively on<br />Peucer’s text and made some very interesting remarks.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Eugenio Coseriu Regarding Tobias Peucer’s Dissertation on Journalism. A Philosophical Perspective 2024-03-27T09:00:24+00:00 Cristinel Munteanu <p>In 1690, in Leipzig, Tobias Peucer defended the first doctoral thesis (in the world) devoted to journalism, namely <em>De relationibus novellis</em> (“On news reporting”). In this article, I aim at proving the validity and durable value of Peucer’s dissertation, by analysing its content and structure, while also taking into account the philosophical aspects of this very important text, which establishes the theoretical foundation of journalism itself. In this regard, I will refer to some essential distinctions made by Aristotle, Kant and Coseriu, in order to demonstrate Peucer’s solid philosophical background and his right scientific intuitions.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cristinel Munteanu On Journalistic Texts as Sources of Scientific Inquiries 2024-03-27T09:03:38+00:00 Fănel Teodorașcu <p>Journalism, whose mission is to inform and to persuade the public, ought to be serious and clear. The journalist, if he wants his texts to be convincing, has to be honest and also with a personal history based on honest deeds. Nevertheless, in the past, some important names from the international press industry held that <em>the invented piece of news</em> is better (<em>i.e.</em>, more profitable) than <em>the true piece of news</em>. For this reason, some voices stated that historians cannot use journalistic texts as sources of information for their scientific inquiries. In this article, we will try to estimate to what extent <em>a journalist</em> is to be of real <em>help to a historian</em>. In order to conduct our research, we read many journalistic texts which were published in newspapers and magazines such as “Universul”, “Viitorul”, “Rampa”, “Revista Fundațiilor Regale”, “Telegraful român” (from Sibiu), “Dimineața” etc. Most of the sources we used are referring to the period between the two World Wars from the past century.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fănel Teodorașcu Music Technology: A Synaesthesia for Music Education in Contemporary Societies 2023-12-11T08:57:46+00:00 James Esinkuma Amaegbe <p>Music technology is becoming an integral part of music education in the 21 st century. It is<br>revolutionizing the way music education is taught in contemporary society. Music technology<br>is changing the way music students learn and do music, as such opening up new possibilities<br>for creativity and expression of music. Thus, technology has made music education so global<br>that students can learn from digital audio workstations (daw) to online communities for<br>sharing music, and music ideas and patterns of applications. Technology is reshaping the<br>field of music education. This research explores the impact of music technology on music<br>education, and how it can enhance and enriches the learning processes; including the ways it<br>promotes creativity, collaboration, and engagements. It also examines the challenges<br>associated with integrating music technology in the classroom, and the opportunities it posits<br>for the future of music education. The findings of the study suggest that music technology<br>can be a powerful and strategic tool for promoting creativity, collaboration, and engagements<br>in music education, and can also assist in creating a more immersive and holistic teaching and<br>learning experience.</p> 2023-12-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 James Esinkuma Amaegbe