Forgery of Official Instruments


  • Bogdan Bîrzu Danubius University of Galati


This study presents a brief analysis of the forgery of official instruments offence, through
the lens of new regulations. The analysis included some resembling provisions, as well as differing
provisions between the regulations in force and the previous one. Both the objective, as well as the
subjective aspect of the offence have been taken into consideration, as well as some opinions about
forms, modalities and legal precedents. Novelty elements concern both the analysis itself in relation to
recent doctrine, as well as recent and relevant case law. The paper may be useful both for the
academic environment, as well as for practitioners, and it will be published in the volume of a
university course.


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How to Cite

Bîrzu, B. (2022). Forgery of Official Instruments. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, 18(1). Retrieved from



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