The Effects of Historical Evolution on the Concept and Content of Economic Human Rights


  • Valeriu Baesu Free International University of Moldova


fundamental human rights; well-being; full economic satisfaction; human personality development; progress


Economic human rights can be considered as fundamental rights that characterize the well-being of the person, the state of attachment of the individual characterized by a full economic satisfaction that allows him to assert himself both as a separate subject and as a collective member of a community organized by people, whereas fundamental human rights as subjective rights of citizens, essential for their life, freedom and dignity, indispensable for the free development of the human personality.

Author Biography

Valeriu Baesu, Free International University of Moldova

doctor of law, associate professor


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How to Cite

Baesu, V. (2022). The Effects of Historical Evolution on the Concept and Content of Economic Human Rights. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, 18(2). Retrieved from



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