Where do the Limits of the Discretionary Power of the President of Romania in Regard to the Withdrawal of Decorations end?


  • Alina Zorzoana


discretionary power; decree; withdrawal; motivation; Chancellery of Orders


In the context of debates that occurred in the public spaces in regard to the decision of the
President of Romania to withdraw decorations awarded to public persons, this study intends to
perform an analysis in regard to the limits of the discretionary power of the head of state in this case.
Without involving the political component of this case, our research shall be limited to the applicable
legal framework (insofar there is any), the attributions of the Chancellery of Orders, the conditions of
awarding and withdrawing decorations, inclusively the necessity of motivating decrees as an essential
condition for the validity of the administrative deed. The study concurrently also refers to a
comparative analysis between similar situations of withdrawing decorations.




How to Cite

Zorzoana, A. (2020). Where do the Limits of the Discretionary Power of the President of Romania in Regard to the Withdrawal of Decorations end? Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, 16(1). Retrieved from https://dj.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/AUDJ/article/view/188


