Evaluating the Utilisation of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 to Enhance the Recovery of Distressed Financial Entrepreneurs: Lessons from the United States of America


  • Howard Chitimira North-West University
  • Kudzai Mpofu North West University


Entrepreneurship, debt relief scheme, consumer debtors, business debtors, post-commencement finance, rehabilitiation


Debt relief involves various measures and strategies that are designed to alleviate and/or restructure debt obligations of
the borrower so as to enhance their capacity to comply with such obligations when they are due. This article assesses the
adequacy of Chapter 4 of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 (NCA) in relation to the recovery processes of businesses operated
by natural persons, especially sole proprietorships. Most natural persons operate their businesses as sole proprietorships and/or
independent entrepreneurs. Accordingly, financially distressed sole proprietorships businesses should have access to flexible debt
relief schemes rather than rigid consumer based credit measures that are stipulated under Chapter 4 of the NCA. The consumer
based credit measures in Chapter 4 of the NCA are more favourable to individual consumer debtors than the needs of budding
entrepreneurs such as sole proprietorships. In this regard, the South African policy makers should consider adopting possible
lessons from Chapter 13 of the United States of America (US) Bankruptcy Code, Pub. L. 95-598, Title 1, 11 U.S.C. 101, 6
November 1978, 92 Stat.2549 (US Bankruptcy Code), especially sections 1301 to 1330, which deals with the adjustment of debts
for individuals with regular income.

Author Biography

Howard Chitimira, North-West University

Associate Professor, Faculty of Law


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South African Legislation

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How to Cite

Chitimira, H., & Mpofu, K. (2023). Evaluating the Utilisation of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005 to Enhance the Recovery of Distressed Financial Entrepreneurs: Lessons from the United States of America. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, 19(3), 50–68. Retrieved from https://dj.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/AUDJ/article/view/2622


