The General Data Protection Regulation of 2016 (GDPR) Meets its Sibling the Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024: A Power Couple, or a Clash of Titans?



GDPR and AI Act interplay, Balancing data protection and AI innovation, Responsible AI Development, Technological advancement, Data protection standards



The European Union (EU) Parliament and Council of the European Union adopted the General Data Protection Regulation of 2016 (“the GDPR, 2016”) (European Data Protection Supervisor, 2024) on 14 April 2016, to become effective on 25 May 2018 as an EU regulation (instead of a directive), GDPR is directly applicable with force of law on its own without the need of transposition and, widely considered one of the strictest data privacy and security laws globally while on March 13, 2024, the European Union (EU) Parliament adopted the world’s first law governing “artificial inelegance” the EU Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024 (“the AI Act, 2024”)[1]. In the ever-evolving landscape of data governance and technological advancement, the intersection between the GDPR and the newly introduced AI Act, 2024 stands as a pivotal point of examination. While both regulations share the goal of protecting individuals’ rights, their specific areas of focus and compliance requirements raise intriguing questions about their potential interplay. This research article explores the complex relationship between these two regulatory frameworks, exploring whether they function as a synergistic “power couple” or engage in a tumultuous “clash of titans”. Through comprehensive analysis and critical evaluation, the article scrutinizes how the “power couple” of GDPR and the AI Act, 2024 function together, we aim to shed light on whether they will truly be a force for responsible AI development or lead to a “clash of titans” hindering innovation. Drawing upon legal, ethical, and practical perspectives, the study navigates through the complexities of data protection, algorithmic governance, and the ethical deployment of artificial intelligence. By elucidating the nuances of this regulatory interplay, the article contributes to a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by the convergence of data protection and AI governance in the digital age. It will be of particular interest to researchers, policymakers, and businesses involved in the development and deployment of AI systems.

Author Biography

Junaid Butt, Advocate High Court, Member AJK BAR COUNCIL,  2nd Floor Old Courts Plaza, Muzafarabad, Azad Kashmir, PAKISTAN

Junaid Sattar Butt possesses a distinguished academic background, including a Master of Laws (LL.M) with honors from the University of Lahore, specializing in International & Comparative Laws and Research Methodology. He also holds a Master of Arts in Political Science from the University of the Punjab, Lahore, and a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B) from the same institution, providing him with a comprehensive understanding of legal principles. Mr. Butt’s educational journey extends to a Master of Business Administration (Finance) from the Virtual University of Pakistan, enhancing his expertise in financial matters. Proficient in English, Urdu and Punjabi, Butt has developed essential communication and organizational skills throughout his academic and professional endeavors. In terms of professional experience, Mr. Butt has over four years of practical experience as an Advocate at the High Court and District Courts, where he has honed his skills in legal research, court assistance, settlements, and arbitration. He has also served as a Visiting Teaching Faculty member, imparting knowledge on International Laws, Administrative Laws, and Human Rights. Additionally, his role as a Law / Research Officer at Malik Law Associates has further solidified his proficiency in legal research and case preparation. Butt's research profile demonstrates his dedication to exploring contemporary legal issues. His publications cover diverse topics such as the impact of digitalization on administrative decision-making processes, comparative studies on international relations, human rights protection, and political instability. He actively participates in conferences, seminars, and workshops, showcasing his commitment to continuous learning and professional development. Butt's involvement in legal advocacy and community engagement initiatives, as evidenced by his memberships in various bar associations and committees, reflects his dedication to advancing justice and social welfare. With his strong academic background, extensive professional experience, and commitment to legal scholarship and advocacy, Junaid Sattar Butt is well-equipped to pursue doctoral research in the field of law and governance, contributing significantly to the advancement of legal knowledge and practice.


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How to Cite

Butt, J. (2024). The General Data Protection Regulation of 2016 (GDPR) Meets its Sibling the Artificial Intelligence Act of 2024: A Power Couple, or a Clash of Titans?. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, 20(2), 7–52. Retrieved from


