The Illusion of the Recovery of Damages found by the Court of Audits, between the Limit of the Legal Rule and the Good Faith of the Audited Entity


  • Vasilica Negrut "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati
  • Ionela Alina Zorzoana Doctoral School of Social and Human Sciences, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati


The current analysis originated from a question that frequently arose in practice. We can say with certainty that in 99% of cases, the prescription of the audited entity's right to recover the respective amounts intervenes. This is based on the attributions of the Romanian Court of Accounts, which notes the occurrence of damages in the patrimony of the audited entities and orders recovery measures. Additionally, the administrative documents issued by the audit institution are contested in administrative litigation, and the audited authorities lack any measures for the recovery of damages until the courts issue a definitive solution. Hence  the challenge of solving these situations because, on the contrary, it can be determined that the recovery of these damages depends only on the good faith of the verified entities that can initiate damage recovery actions concurrently with the actions whose goal is to challenge the administrative documents issued by the Court of Accounts, in order to prevent the intervention of the statute of limitations sanction. To find inspiration for a potential de lege ferenda proposal, we will highlight the rules pertaining to the courts of accounts in other European states. Concurrently, in order to provide a comparative legal note to this study, we will illustrate the theoretical components with instances drawn from national and European jurisprudence (where applicable) as well as from other EU members.


Vedinaș, V. (2017). Rolul Curții de Conturi în consolidarea statului de drept în România/The role of the Court of Accounts in strengthening the rule of law in Romania. Revista Curții de Conturi a României, nr. 17/Journal of the Court of Accounts of Romania, no. 17, 30.

Constitution of Romania, amended and supplemented by the Law on revision of the Constitution of Romania no. 429/2003, published in the Official Monitor of Romania, Part I, no. 758 of October 29, 2003, republished by the Legislative Council. Republished in the Official Monitor of Romania, Part I, no. 238 of April 3, 2014. Law no. 94/1992

Regulation of November 4, 2010 regarding the organization and carrying out of specific activities of the Court of Accounts, as well as the capitalization of the documents resulting from these activities, approved by the Decision of the Plenary of the Court of Accounts no. 130/2010), published in the Official Monitor of Romania, Part I, no. 832/13 December 2010.

Administrative-Contentious and Fiscal Section, Civil Decision no. 84/14 January 2014

High Court of Cassation and Justice’s decision no. 19 of June 3, 2019 regarding the interpretation and application of the provisions of art. 268 para. (1) letter c) from Law no. 53/2003 regarding the Labor Code, related to art. 8 and 12 of Decree no. 167/1958 and the provisions of art. 211 letter c) from the Social Dialogue Law no. 62/2011, respectively of art. 2526 of the Civil Code, in the sense of determining whether the control act of the Court of Accounts or of another body with control powers marks or not the moment from which the statute of limitations begins to run in the actions initiated by employers to recover the damage caused by employees, published in the Official Monitor, Part I no. 860 of October 24, 2019.

Bucharest Court, IV civil section, decision no. 2956/19.11.2021, High Court of Cassation and Justice, Civil Section II, Civil Decision no. 97/18.01.2024




How to Cite

Negrut, V., & Zorzoana, I. A. (2024). The Illusion of the Recovery of Damages found by the Court of Audits, between the Limit of the Legal Rule and the Good Faith of the Audited Entity. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, 20(2), 205–215. Retrieved from


