Aspects on European Executive Titles
Execution; enforceable titles; European executory titles; European legislationAbstract
The second phase of the civil law enforcement process is of great utility for finalizing the procedure for the effective execution of the creditor's claim if the debtor does not voluntarily execute the performance ordered by the court in the ruling which it pronounces or the provided in other enforceable titles. It is also of great utility to ask the complainant, in the event of winning the trial, to take a decision that has the character of an enforceable European title, a title that can be enforced in the countries of the European Union without the application for recognition and enforcement in the executing State, which is competent to carry out the service listed in that title, shall be required. The paper aims to provide an innovative approach to enforcement in general, especially in the field of European Enforcement Titles, by applying an analytical interpretative method, through which it is possible to construct relevant explanatory formulas on the legal framework contained in the Code civil procedure and European legislation. We will focus our research on the legal framework in art. 632-643 of the Civil Procedure Code, without omitting other legal texts contained in the Code of Civil Procedure that are compatible with the subject, as amended by Law no. 138/2014. By extending the theoretical analysis on executory titles, we considered the particularities presented by the European executory titles, the development of the methodological framework, by joining the interpretative method, the comparative method of research, in order to be able to analyze both the restricted framework of the Civil Procedure Code dedicated to executory titles Article 636) as well as the framework of the European norms applicable to theme themes.
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