Necessary Characteristics for the Negotiating Manager in Atypical Conditions

Constantin Gîdilica1

Abstract: Management is the science of leading whose executor is man. The personality of the manager is studied in the works of scientists long before the substantiation of managerial theories, this fact facilitated the implementation of mechanisms related to the negotiation process. The negotiator is one of the roles played by the manager in his activity, but at the same time this role becomes more and more important in the current conditions. The negotiating manager is found in the commercial, political, social, international, mediation, etc. negotiations. The study of the characteristics of the negotiating manager appears from the conditions of changing the concepts, the conjuncture of the negotiations, the domains of negotiation, the unpredictable external environment, etc. The creation of a stereotype of the negotiating manager characteristic of the contemporary concept has become the object of the research in question. The author’s approach to the negotiator’s personality represents a new hypothesis in changing the concepts on the negotiation process in atypical contemporary conditions with unpredictable influencing factors. The author uses the Pareto Method in identifying key elements regarding the characteristics of negotiators regarding the conduct of prospective and successful negotiations. Analysing the categories of characteristics of the negotiating managers, formed over the centuries as a result of the theoretical substantiation put in the conditions of an applied research based on the questionnaire and the Pareto Method, the author identified the 2 categories based on the 20/80 principle. The author uses the Pareto Method in identifying key elements regarding the characteristics of negotiators regarding the conduct of prospective and successful negotiations. Analysing the categories of characteristics of the negotiating managers, formed over the centuries as a result of the theoretical substantiation put in the conditions of an applied research based on the questionnaire and the Pareto Method, the author identified the 2 categories based on the 20/80 principle. The author uses the Pareto Method in identifying key elements regarding the characteristics of negotiators regarding the conduct of prospective and successful negotiations. Analysing the categories of characteristics of the negotiating managers, formed over the centuries as a result of the theoretical substantiation put in the conditions of an applied research based on the questionnaire and the Pareto Method, the author identified the 2 categories based on the 20/80 principle.

Keywords: Pareto diagram; negotiating manager; personal characteristics; categories; personality

JEL Classification: C78; M 29; Y1

1. Introduction

The negotiation process is indispensable depending on the human factor. Throughout history, scientists have sought the key to the negotiator’s abilities to create a set of characteristics necessary for an efficient process. Regardless of the type of negotiation, circumstances, skills, personal abilities, experience, object of the negotiations, etc. the identification of the point of excellence was not found like the study of consumer behaviour in marketing. The art of business negotiation is a potential for any leader or manager who needs strategies and practical ideas to apply in the negotiation process. Based on sound features, managers - experts in negotiation can reduce the amount of information available in a negotiation.

2. The Degree of Argumentation of the Research

Scientists’ observations on the negotiator’s personality are associated with various elements such as character, zodiac sign, psyche, strength, temperament, etc. We bring some examples of the interpretation of the character of a manager by scholars of the middle Ages. Plato year 340 Before Christ presented 4 characteristics: artistic, sensitive, intuitive and rational. These characteristics being assigned depending on the individual temperament. If we analyse logically each of them are among the qualities of a negotiator, so we cannot strictly relate the temperament to the characteristics of the negotiator. At the same time, Aristotle in 325 BC confirms Plato’s statements through the statements regarding the manager’s temperament as: artistic, practical sense, intuitive sensitivity and practicality, reason and practical investigation.

Another approach related to character is brought by scientists Heysmans and Wiesma approaching the character of the psychological personality of the manager identifying the eight types: nervous, choleric, sentimental, passionate, sanguine, phlegmatic, apathetic, amorphous. This approach leads us to work more on a team than on the individual personality of the manager-negotiator. At the same time, the researchers determined that temperament-related characteristics combined with those of character can create premises for the formation of personality traits of the manager-negotiator. This fact will be taken into account by the author when forming the picture of the negotiating manager in atypical conditions.

HM Porter’s statement “bargaining power” played a key role in the present research. Arguments regarding the sources of bargaining power are also related to psychological dominance in terms of the authority of the negotiating manager. Although bargaining power can be treated as a coercive factor in some cases, legality or alliances place more emphasis on the manager’s personality. However, recognized professional skills, moral or psychological ascendancy are more dominant.

This dilemma is constantly being sought, and arguments can be made every time this topic is addressed. The fact that researchers are still interested in the personality of the manager-negotiator, proves that new circumstances arise in which its manifestation is of paramount importance.

The qualities of a negotiator have evolved over time and in the conditions of changing their environment. We propose the following scheme of the evolution of the characteristics of a negotiating manager identified as a result of scientific documentation and analysis of bibliographic sources.

300-400 B.C.

Artistic, sensitive, intuitive, rational, practical, moral, logical, philosophical, etc.

Emotional, impulsive, idealistic, insistent, realistic, ambitious, cold, religious, etc.

- 1600 was ours


Strong, economist, authoritarian, experienced, documented, theoretical, skeptical, etc.

Commercial, exploitative, receptive, restless, rigid, researcher, innovative, calculated, optimistic, etc.


2000 - present

Leader, intelligent, talented, enterprising, demanding, patient, flexible, etc.

Figure 1. The Evolution of the Characteristics Attributed to the Personality of the Negotiating Manager Identified by the Research Scientists

Source: made by the author

The evolution of economic processes to which the field of negotiations is more or less linked in recent years is colliding with changes influenced by the most insignificant factors, but with major impact. In the current conditions of development of the global economy affected by the pandemic, the circumstances dictate the search for new characteristics of the managers involved in negotiations related to the use of information technologies to achieve efficient processes. However, the skills are indispensable for a good negotiator, a fact that first manifests itself as a manager, and a manager is 80/20 innate skills compared to accumulated skills.

In the context of using the characteristics in the managerial behaviour, the scientist Hr. Mintzberg identifies 10 managerial roles grouped in 3 categories Figure 2.

Informal roles




Decision roles



Resource allocator


Interpersonal roles





Figure 2. Categories of Managerial Roles after Hr. Mintzberg

Source: made by the author

The manager, during the evolution, not only improved and expanded his personal characteristics, but also gained experience through several roles. One of which is the role of negotiating manager, which according to the presentation in Figure 2 is intended to make decisions in the process of interaction with the internal and external environment of the company.

3. Methods Used

The study conducted by the author allowed the use in the complex of several methods’ characteristic of the scientific field. In the part of arguing the degree of study of the problem, the analysis of the specialized literature, the synthesis, the deduction and the establishment of the chronological series of the manager’s characteristics in the scientists’ vision were used in the documentation process.

The practical study of the research is based on the Pareto Analysis method. The Pareto theory belongs to the well-known Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto who described this method as a result of personal observations on the pea harvest, which showed that 20% of pea pods in the garden produced 80% of the crop. This phenomenon has been scientifically called the “basic rule 80/20”. In fact, the Pareto analysis from a scientific point of view is a statistical analysis of the classification of tasks and their interpretation as a significant effect for the small number with impact to the major number. The basic objective of this method is to identify the minority factors that create or solve the major problem forming the law of power or the Pareto Theory. The principle of the Pareto method has been argued in economics, but this has not diminished its applicability in various fields of an interdisciplinary or even foreign nature. Thus, scientific practices bring examples of implementation of the Pareto method in the field of occupational health and safety, in education and sports, in the field of exact sciences such as mathematics and information technology, in the quality management system and other areas of economic and social interest.

The phenomenon of wide applicability of the Pareto Method allows process design, problem identification, risk reduction, efficient analysis of primary information, prevention of risk situations, identification of solutions, prioritization, quality control, frequency of possibilities, process improvement, identification of decision makers, etc.

The Pareto method outside the universality of the fields of implementation is one of the most flexible in the representation of results such as the use of diagrams, diagrams, tables, etc. which allows many scientists to use it in application studies. The author, in the present research, was also interested in the Pareto Method in concretizing the most important qualities of the negotiating manager for the negotiation processes in contemporary conditions. Because in the evolution process, the characteristics and competencies of the negotiating manager were determined by the factors conditioned to the evolutionary period, in the contemporary conditions we are put in the situation of competition and competitiveness, and the identification of the most important characteristics of the negotiator will contribute to the formation of a clearer vision. negotiation. In this context, the use of the Pareto Method for this study was based on the following sequence of the diagram presented in Figure 3. This method was selected by the author for several reasons such as: the fact that it is representative, evokes a visible form of the result that allows facilitating explanations and understanding by third parties. The author considers that the use of an existing and proven theory may better shed light on current research, and the model has the advantages of lower implementation costs. Evokes a visible form of the result that facilitates explanations and understanding by third parties. The author considers that the use of an existing and proven theory may better shed light on current research, and the model has the advantages of lower implementation costs. Evokes a visible form of the result that facilitates explanations and understanding by third parties. The author considers that the use of an existing and proven theory may better shed light on current research, and the model has the advantages of lower implementation costs.

Figure 3. Establishing the Stages of Using the Pareto Method in Evaluating the Characteristics of the Negotiating Manager

Source: Made by the author

By using the Pareto Method, it is intended to establish the characteristics of the manager - contemporary negotiator, which would have a greater impact in organizing the negotiation processes. Observing the evolution presented in Figure 1 regarding the evolution of the characteristics of the negotiating manager identified by scientists starting with the first manifestations in society of the negotiation activity we identify a variety of characteristics related to various particularities and their association. Thus, analysing the literature, consulting the business environment (through an international company with offices in more than 15 countries around the world).

4. Results and Discussions

Generalizing the theoretical-practical study we identify the following categories of characteristics of the negotiating managers established for the Pareto Analysis:

Estimation of the nine categories of the negotiation process is represented in Table 1.

Table 1. Estimation of the Absolute and Absolute Cumulative Score for the 9 Categories of Evaluated Characteristics



Absolute score

Absolutely cumulative score

Relative score

Relatively cumulative score


after experience






according to knowledge






by skills






by capabilities












by behaviour






after potential






by temperament






by nature





Source: made by the author

This study was successful as a result of questioning 100 respondents belonging to various age categories, status and field of activity. The representativeness of the sample consists in assigning the control question “You participated in the negotiations”, to which 100% of the respondents answered in the affirmative. Respondents participating in the survey have the practice of participating in negotiations based on their own experience, as well as theoretical notions in the field. As a result of the evaluation of the negotiator’s characteristics, it was found that the interviewees refer to the commercial, social and political negotiations, which denotes the estimation of the negotiator’s characteristics with an area of action on several fields. The maximum score accumulated by the categories of characteristics of the negotiating manager are those based on experience, knowledge, skills and abilities. Obviously, any negotiating manager must have these characteristics, and their presence in the top is nothing more than double confirmation of the respondents involved in the research. These characteristics ensure the manager’s confidence in the success of the negotiation due to the deep knowledge in the field, the vast experience of participation in the negotiations, the creativity, the innovative spirit, the intuitive sense and the personal abilities. At the same time, we note that the respondents were generous in assessing other skills such as forward thinking, teamwork, sustainable development issues, elements that are part of the assumption of long-term goals for the negotiation process. The presence of these characteristics marks the contemporary area of negotiations in conditions of competition and stiff competition. The interpretation of the study result is visible in the diagram in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Cumulative Estimation Curve of the Characteristics of the Negotiating Manager

Source: made by the author

Analysing the curve of cumulative estimation of the characteristics of the negotiating manager, we find that the characteristics corresponding to the behaviour of the temperament potential and the nature of the negotiator were evaluated with a lower score. And according to the Pareto 80/20 legality, the characteristics related to the temperament and nature of the negotiator are the ones that bring importance and “fruits”. Theoretically, these categories of characteristics were mostly studied and substantiated by researchers in the context of establishing the managerial potential of leadership and leader but also that of negotiator. This does not necessarily mean that the other characteristics are not important, it can mean that the temperament and nature of the negotiator are key elements in the negotiation process.

5. Conclusion

The use of the Pareto Method in arguing the hypothesis regarding the potential of a negotiating manager in contemporary conditions of influence of atypical factors has demonstrated efficiency. Regardless of the period of development of the negotiation processes, they are directly influenced by the temperament of the negotiator: choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic. We identify the negotiator’s behaviour in the negotiation process led by the key element - temperament.

The approach of the negotiating partner in the context of the characteristics rendered by the category according to the nature of the personality represents the second key element determined in the research result based on the Pareto Method. There is a possibility that the decisive factor in the conditions of commercial, social, political negotiations, etc. may be given by the sensitivity of the negotiating partner or his optimism in solving the problem, or the ambition he proposed and does not give way. cold in which he treats his partner’s problem… facts to be taken into account and used as key elements in the formation of the negotiating team.

Regardless of the experience, knowledge, skills and abilities demonstrated by the negotiating managers, the decisive factors in the negotiation process can be played according to the result of the Pareto Analysis of the person’s behaviour, power, temperament and nature.


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1PhD in progress, Doctoral School of Economic Sciences, Consortium: State University of Moldova, Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu” State University of Cahul, Cahul, Republic of Moldova, Address: Independence Square, 1, Cahul, Republic of Moldova.

AUDOE Vol. 17, No. 2/2021, pp. 248-256