Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, Vol. 1, No. 1
Environmental Community Policy aims at upholding long-lived
development and at preserving the natural setting intact to the very benefit of both
the extant and the yet unborn generations. It goes upon integrating environmental
protection into the remaining Community Policies, taking staving-off steps,
observing the “damage paying polluter” principle, fighting environmental pollution
at its factual origin and partaking of charges. The acquis communitaire counts in
over 200 regulative settlements which cover such areas as: the horizontal
legislation, fouling and air-defilement issues, waste and dry-salter management
problems, biotechnology, environmental protection, industrial defilement and risk
management problems, noise-protection routines and radiation-defence systems.
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4. Filip, Gh., – Adaptarea mecanismelor financiar-bancare la cerinţele
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5. Trandafir, M., – Pieţe monetar-valutare în România, Bucureşti, Editura
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6. Turliuc, V., – Politici monetare, Iaşi, Editura Polirom, 2002;
7. *** Delegaţia Comisiei Europene în România – Euro – o monedă pentru
toată Europa, Bucureşti, 2000;
8. *** Centrul de Informare al Comisiei Europene în România, European
Issues, Bucureşti, 2003;
9. Surse on-line.
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