Accounting and Auditing


  • Collective Authors


Although it is more than a decade since the elaboration of the first public accounting
standards, countries are still reluctant to adopt them, preferring rather an adaptation of national
legislation with the provisions IPSASs. Concerns about the necessity and usefulness of the application
of International Public Sector Accounting Standards are due to economic influences, cultural, social,
which made their mark on philosophy, doctrine and national accounting policies. Although financial
statements may appear similar from country to country, there are differences that can be caused by a
variety of social, economic and legal factors, and that some countries when setting the national
requirements have considered the needs of different users of financial statements. These factors have
led to the use of different definitions of the structures of financial statements, such as assets,
liabilities, equity, revenues and expenses. Scope and disclosures in the financial statements were also
affected. Therefore, this paper intends to emphasize similarities, but especially the differences
between the two frames of reference - national norms to international standards - regarding Statement
of financial position on a public institution.


IFAC (2009). Handbook of International Public Sector Accounting Standards, the 2009 edition, Vol.
I and II, Bucharest: CECCAR Publishing House.
***Minister of Public Finance Order no. 1917/2005 for approving the Methodological Norms
regarding the organization and operation of the public institutions accounting and of the public
institutions chart of accounts, Official Journal no. 1186/29.12.2005 (with subsequent amendments)
***Minister of Public Finance Order no. 616/2006 for approving the Methodological Norms for the
preparation, signing, submitting, composition and how to complete the quarterly financial statements
of public institutions in 2006 and their models, Official Journal no. 498/08.06.2006 (with subsequent
***Minister of Public Finance Order no. 2941/2009 for amending and supplementing the
Methodological Norms on preparation and submission of quarterly financial statements of public
institutions and monthly financial reports in 2009, approved by Order no. 629/2009, Official Journal
no. 724/27.10.2009
***Minister of Public Finance Order no. 1865/2011 for approving the Methodological Norms
Methodological Norms on the preparation and submission of quarterly financial statements of public
institutions and monthly financial reports in 2011, Official Journal no. 271/18.04.2011
***Institute for International Public Sector Accounting Standards, available on site




How to Cite

Collective Authors. (2021). Accounting and Auditing: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 7(3). Retrieved from


