Accounting and Auditing


  • Collective Authors


Auditing plays a crucial role in the business environment by providing assurance services
to the public so as to decrease information risk by increasing the reliability of financial information
provided by the business entities. As the final product of the audit, the audit report is a way by which
the auditor communicates with the public the findings of the audit process. The auditor’s report is the
only aspect of the work of auditor that can be available to the public. Thus, users are likely to assess
the auditor’s professionalism and competence by this report. The purpose of this study is to address
the meaning and implication of the audit report in addition to a discussion of the messages perceived
from the auditor’s report. Differences in perceptions of the meaning of the auditor’s report may exist
between the auditors and users. Users may misperceive the nature and scope of the audit function and
the level of assurance when they read the audit report.


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How to Cite

Collective Authors. (2021). Accounting and Auditing: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 10(5). Retrieved from


