Business Administration and Business Economics


  • Collective Authors


Employee retention can be measured quite accurately by the actual number of years that
employees have worked in an organisation. This study investigates relationships between hotel
employees’ length of service and responses to individual variables explaining employee retention
factors. A structured questionnaire survey of 217 hotel employees in Cape Town, South Africa was
used to obtain information that were subjected to bivariate and multivariate analyses. Key results
show that the employees who have worked longer in the hotel have particular characteristics: they
perceive that working hours in the hotel do not infringe on their personal quality time with friends;
they perceive it will be difficult for them to leave the hotel; they want to remain in the hotel for a long
time; and quite interestingly, they perceive they do not receive continuous training in the hotel.
Further costs of hiring and developing new employees can be reduced if loyal and talented employees
are retained for longer periods through continuous career development. This study is of particular
interest to the hotel sector management, as it is focussed on retaining those staff who really want to
build a career in the hospitality industry.


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How to Cite

Collective Authors. (2021). Business Administration and Business Economics: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 13(2). Retrieved from


