Financial Institutions and Services
This paper investigates the relationship between credit risk and securitisation in the South
African banking sector. Panel data analysis was used to analyse the annual observations from four
major South African banks for a sample period from 2005 to 2014. Results indicate that the basis for
securitisation variation in South African banks stems from capital, bank size and the economic growth
of the country. A positive impact of securitisation on credit risk was discovered. The paper revealed
that, contrary to previous findings, the global financial crisis of 2007–2009 had no effect on the
securitisation in the South African banking sector. This paper also found that size has a significant
influence on capitalisation. Compared to small banks, large banks tend to securitise more and take on
further credit risk. Therefore, banks should increase or maintain an acceptable capital amount to
hedge against any unexpected risks. Proper systems should be established and adopted to encourage
repayment of loans by borrowers.
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