Financial, Public and Regional Economics


  • Collective Authors


Do higher per capita incomes translate into higher financial inclusion in Africa? Our
application of the Bayesian VAR estimation approach to the World Bank Development Indicators
datasets for 15 African countries provides affirmative evidence to this question. Using a Bayesian
VAR approach for a panel of 15 countries in Africa over the period from 2005 to 2014, the findings
show that per capital incomes, deposit interest rate and the internet has positive and significant impact
on financial inclusion. That is, higher per capital incomes is associated with higher levels of financial
inclusion in Africa. It is, however, interesting to note that financial inclusion is having a positive but
insignificant impact on per capita income. Moreover, the internet is coming out to be a significant
variable indicating that more attention is required to be paid to developing internet access in Africa
for the advancement of financial inclusion. The findings of this study should be of help to African
central banks‟ policymakers and commercial bankers as they advance innovative approaches to
enhance the involvement of excluded poor people in formal finance.


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How to Cite

Collective Authors. (2021). Financial, Public and Regional Economics: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 13(5). Retrieved from


