Making Expenses according to the Legislation Regulating the Preventive Financial Control, at the Entities of Public Interest


  • Janina Soare “Valahia” University of Târgovişte
  • Magdalena Dănescu Valahia University Târgoviște


preventive financial control (PFC); entity of public interest; resource management; making expenses; legality


The need for control is determined by the fact that in modern society the fundamental criterion of efficiency defined by increasing and improving the qualitative aspects is permanently promoted to the detriment of the quantitative ones of all activities carried out at the level of an entity of public interest of an economic, social, or administrative nature. Thus, through control, any public interest entity is concerned to be able to access information in a current and operative way regarding the management of financial, material, and human resources at its disposal, one of the most important forms being preventive financial control (PFC).


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How to Cite

Soare, J., & Dănescu, M. (2021). Making Expenses according to the Legislation Regulating the Preventive Financial Control, at the Entities of Public Interest: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 17(3). Retrieved from



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