Business Administration and Business Economics


  • Collective Authors


Greater proportion of Public Higher Education Institutions (PHEIs) income is derived from
government; therefore, public accountability is of immense importance. Conversely, prior literature is
inconclusive on the efficiency and effectiveness of PHEIs public accountability systems. This paper
examines the extent of and relationship between governance and financial disclosures by the South
African PHEIs in terms of 2007, 2014 Department of Higher Education, and Training (DHET)
Regulations for Reporting by PHEIs. Secondary data were collected for the period 2012 to 2016
employing exploratory research method using multiple case study in two phases. Firstly, qualitative
data collection and analysis using content analysis of the DHET Regulations and 115 annual reports of
23 SA PHEIs. Phase two employed quantitative data analysis of the findings obtain from phase one.
The results indicate moderately satisfied and satisfied levels of governance and financial disclosure
respectively. It establishes a significant difference of and positive relationship between governance and
financial disclosures by SA PHEIs. It recommends a Governance and Financial Disclosure
Measurement Checklist, Rating Scale and Index to be used by Council, Management, and Stakeholders
to measure the governance and financial disclosure level and DHET to ensure that submitted annual
reports meet their requirements to ensure public accountability.


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How to Cite

Collective Authors. (2021). Business Administration and Business Economics: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 14(6). Retrieved from


