Empirical Study on the Conceptual Approach of Worldwide Economic Resilience


  • Lilia Sargu National Institute for Economic Research, AESM


economic resilience; economy; crisis; resistance; change; adaptation


The appearance of new notions in economic theories is due to the dynamic and applied
nature of the economy regarding the involvement of studies and researches in the solution of
pressing problems. The notion of economic resilience appears as a new concept provided by the
community of scientists from various continents, a fact that confirms the synergy and rationale of
economic thinking on the phenomena that are increasingly being approached at the global level.
The author's interest in this phenomenon comes in the context of the joint study initiated by a team
of researchers from the National Institute of Economic Research in the Republic of Moldova
concerned with the issues of adapting the national economy to current challenges. In this context,
we would like to present this study as an analysis of the concepts of the world's scientists, who had
in their study objectives the element of economic resilience and on which they expressed their own
opinion. This study is of particular importance for the researches initiated by clarifying the diversity
and size of the concept and the conclusions of all those cited in this paper as reference points to
some formulations and the process of developing the subject in the context of the Republic of


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How to Cite

Sargu , L. . (2024). Empirical Study on the Conceptual Approach of Worldwide Economic Resilience. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Œconomica, 20(1), 252–260. Retrieved from https://dj.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/AUDOE/article/view/2758



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