Negotiation Strategies in Marketing Activity to Improve Company Performance
negotiation; marketing negotiations; negotiation stages; and negotiation strategiesAbstract
This article examines the significance of negotiation techniques in the marketing endeavors of firms, emphasizing how inventive and cohesive negotiating methods may enhance organizational success. The purpose of the article is to analyses and find efficient negotiating techniques in marketing, in order to ascertain their potential for enhancing corporate success. Methodology: The study employed quantitative methods, primarily utilizing a questionnaire to collect data. The questionnaire was distributed to a representative sample of marketing professionals and managers to gather information on trends, preferences, and perceptions related to various negotiation tactics. Additionally, qualitative methods such as comparative analysis, synthesis, deduction, and observation were employed. Conclusions: offers valuable analysis of the most efficient negotiating tactics employed in marketing, emphasizing the connection between distributive and integrative methods of negotiation and the financial prosperity of companies. Originality: enhance the development of conceptual approaches to negotiations by using marketing tactics, providing organizations functioning in a highly competitive business climate with a contemporary and contextualized viewpoint.
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