The Interplay of Organizational Culture on Psychological Safety, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior in South African Selected SETAs
Affective commitment, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, organizational culture, Sector Education and Training Authorities (SETAs)Abstract
An effective and positive organizational culture (OC) greatly impacts employee actions, including psychological safety, affective commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and it is crucial to any company’s growth and success. This research aims to examine how certain South African sector education and training authorities (SETAs) deal with organizational culture, specifically how it affects psychological safety, commitment, and OCB. This study investigates the mediating role of psychological safety and the relationship between organizational culture, affective commitment, and OCB. We adopted an online survey to collect quantitative data from 194 employees at six different SETA locations in the Gauteng area of South Africa, using the convenience sample technique. We then analyzed the data using SMARTPLS and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). The study found a negative correlation between OCB, organizational culture, and psychological safety. The findings show a positive correlation between affective commitment and company culture. Equally, OCB, organizational culture, and psychological safety all act as mediators to some extent. The heuristic model remains a novel idea for organizations. Furthermore, the theoretical framework shows that organizational culture and affective commitment can predict organizational citizenship behavior. It achieves this by adopting a complex approach to cultural analysis and utilizing innovative techniques like survey data and quantitative inferential statistics. Considering the mediating role of psychological safety is also a significant milestone for the future. However, policymakers and public sector organizations can benefit from this study’s conclusions in dealing with employee well-being and maximizing organizational commitment
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