Acta Universitatis Danubius. Relationes Internationales <p><strong>Frequency: 2</strong> issues per year (July, 15th December)<br><strong>Print ISSN: 2065-0272</strong><br><strong>Online ISSN: 2344-1348</strong><br><br></p> en-US <p>The author fully assumes the content originality and the holograph signature makes him responsible in case of trial.</p> (Mircea Mocanu) (Andrei Tatulici) Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Perspectives for Partnership and Security under the Vision of the Three Seas Initiative <p>Regional cooperation represents an important component of the geostrategic dimension of states in a certain region. The role of states and regional organizations in international relations covers the topic of security, in all its dimensions, and the form of regional security initiatives or formats. The current context of the invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine, led the states in the immediate vicinity, as well as the security organizations, to redefine their action, in a geopolitical logic, in the field of cooperation, including in the field of defense, for the management of external crises in the neighborhood. The Three Seas Initiative (3SI) represents one of these regional security formats, and Romania hosted the eighth Summit in September 2023, being the only state out of the 12-member states to host an I3M Summit for the second time. Hybrid threats and the current global security context led states to identify tools to provide and guarantee effective defense capabilities. The study aims to analyse the factors that determined the decision to host the 3SI Summit this year in Romania, considering the situation in the eastern neighborhood. At the same time, it is necessary an analysis the implications of this event, starting from the 2022 3SI Summit in Riga, after which Ukraine became a partner state participating in this initiative in the process of strengthening resilience. Can the 3SI format be considered, in this context, a launching pad for the rapid integration into the European structures of the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, and Georgia?</p> Andreea-Loredana Tudor Copyright (c) 2024 Andreea-Loredana Tudor Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 How the International Organizations have Influenced the Era of Globalization <p>Finally, the role and mission of the UN in the new world order in the above formation is not conditioned by the capacity, professionalism of the United Nations, but by the philosophy of international relations applied by great powers, as well as by the imposition of a necessity of the international geopolitical environment. The flow of events still shows that major powers continue to consider an Organization II as a forum for exchanging opinions and ideas for international diplomats as a place of technical procedures or limited contributions to humanitarian issues. Regroups, military-strategic alliances, such NATOs are endowed with the entire premise and chances of playing a primary role in the new, progressively developing and formed land order. In this presentation, it is presented the new world order in the era of globalization by analysing the international organizations such as NATO and FMN, UN. OKB on the world order is seen as an organization that follows the Great Powers Applied International Rules.</p> Blerina Muskaj Copyright (c) 2024 Blerina Muskaj Thu, 18 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Immigration and Integration in the European Union <p>Immigration has become a fact of life in the European Union, a social phenomenon. Therefore, integration policies for immigrants have an important role. It is recognized that immigration and the integration of immigrants have become, and will probably remain, a sensitive issue from a political and societal point of view. Many European Union documents state that successful integration contributes to addressing some of the challenges currently faced by member states, such as the high cost (human and social) of economic exclusion, distrust in the fairness of public systems or the spread of all forms of ideologies extremist. Integration and immigration are debated topics in academia both for theoretical clarifications and for practical contributions by identifying appropriate solutions to the negative aspects of the integration process. Based on these considerations, the article aims, as objectives, to present: some definitions of integration, the approach of Professor Yuval Noah Harari regarding immigration within the European Union, some statistics on immigration in the European Union and aspects of the European Union's immigration policy.</p> Filofteia Repez, Polixenia Olar Copyright (c) 2023 Filofteia Repez, Polixenia Olar Fri, 19 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Danube River – Link of Cooperation and Dialogue <p>The Danube River has a special significance for the states and localities through which it passes. Various events, historical, political, cultural, sports, etc. have been held over time in the Danube region; The Danube united and divided at the same time, being the silent witness of numerous events. Europe, the lady of the Danube, as Nicolae Iorga calls her, is the owner of the most international hydrographic basin in the world - the Danube river basin. More than 80 million people from 19 countries live and work here. The multiple importance of this river and the need to ensure its security is emphasized often and in various ways. Starting from the presentation of some aspects that highlight the importance of the Danube for the states and the places it crosses, we will continue with detailing some examples of cooperation and dialogue actions in the Danube region that contribute to ensuring Danube security and the formation of a Danube cult, and we will finish highlighting a remarkable aspect of the Danube, that of a source of inspiration. In this way, the article aims to pay homage to this cherished river, before which many have bowed.</p> Filofteia Repez, Stefan Gheorghe Copyright (c) 2023 Filofteia Repez, Stefan Gheorghe Fri, 19 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Disinformation- The Scourge of Contemporary Society <p>In recent years, the term “disinformation” has become a focal point in the attention of the media and public discussions. Fabricated news, which doesn't reflect reality, has the potential to deeply affect the political, economic, and social lives of individuals, as they are often created with the intention to deceive the public. To understand this issue, it's necessary to clarify the concept of disinformation. Only then, by deeply comprehending this complex phenomenon, can we develop strategies to limit them. In this article, we focus on three categories that reveal the consequences and disinformation of news. These are flawed information, disinformation, and unintentional misinformation. These categories are closely related, yet they also present essential differences leading to distinct interpretations for each.</p> Valeriu Baesu Copyright (c) 2023 Valeriu Baesu Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Desinformation and Fundamental Human Rights <p><em>The phenomenon of desinformation has escalated with the advancement of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in recent years, manifesting and spreading much faster and easier than before. The effects of desinformation are felt in a variety of issues affecting diverse groups of citizens within society, obstructing access to accurate information and undermining democratic values. This issue is considered a matter of public interest, prompting many countries worldwide to make efforts to combat or eradicate it. One of the main dangers lies in the fact that while the media creates an authentic public space, it also contributes to the formation of a false public sphere that diminishes the essential role of the media in shaping and strengthening public discourse.&nbsp;</em><em>Addressing the diverse types of misinformation while safeguarding fundamental rights and freedoms poses a significant challenge for democracy and European standards. There are serious concerns regarding government surveillance and control over online content, coupled with the use of extensive surveillance methods and data collection under the pretext of national security and the fight against terrorist threats, which could serve as justification for state censorship.</em></p> Valeriu Baesu Copyright (c) 2023 Valeriu Baesu Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Concept of Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century <p>This article provides a concise overview of the concept of public diplomacy, highlighting its key components and significance in contemporary international relations. Public diplomacy is a strategic communication and engagement concept employed by governments, organizations, and individuals to influence perceptions, build relationships, and achieve diplomatic objectives on the global stage. Unlike traditional diplomacy, which primarily focuses on interactions between governments, public diplomacy targets foreign publics, opinion leaders, and civil society organizations to shape narratives, foster understanding, and promote cooperation. The concept of public diplomacy underscores the importance of communication, engagement, and relationship-building in fostering cooperation, understanding, and goodwill between nations in an increasingly interconnected and complex global landscape.</p> Mirela Metushaj Copyright (c) 2023 Mirela Metushaj Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000