Forgotten Source: Study M. Laszlo-Kutiuk «Romanian-Ukrainian Literary Relations in XIXth Century the Beginning of XXth Century» (to the Problem of Digitizing Educational Resources)


  • Nataliia Yantsos Universitatea Umanistă de Stat de la Ismail


Ukrainian-Romanian literary ties; reception; image


The study presents the observations and aesthetic assessment of the leader of the Ukrainian community in Romania in the 20th century, Magdalena Laslzo–Kutsiuk (1928-2010), regarding Ukrainian-Romanian contacts in the 19th and early 20th centuries, which is contained in her course of lectures published on the basis of the Faculty of Slavic Languages of the University of Bucharest (1974). To this day, this work remains unknown to the general public and the Ukrainian reader, as the work was not translated, in particular into Ukrainian. The author analyzes the creativity of the main figures of Romanian culture of the 19th century (G. Asaki, B.P. Hashdeu and others), who touched on the topic of Ukraine in their works, as well as representatives of Ukrainian literature whose works reflected the image of Romania. Depending on the intensity of contacts with the neighboring country, the authors reveal the image of "Ukraine" or the image of the "Romanian people" and everything related to their culture in their work in different ways.


Laslo–Kuțiuk M. (1974). Mutual literary influences in the second half of the XIX century / Influenţe literare reciproce în a jumătate a secolului al XIX–lea // Relațiile literare Româno-ucrainiene în secolul al XIX–lea și la începutul secolului al XX–lea. Curs special. Centru de multiplicare al universității din București. P.135.

Laslo–Kuțiuk M. (1974). The image of Ukraine in Romanian literature between the years 1840–1877/ Imaginea Ucrainei în literatura romană între anii 1840––1877// Relațiile literare Româno-ucrainiene în secolul al XIX–lea și la începutul secolului al XX–lea. Curs special. Centru de multiplicare al universității din București. P.69.

In Trajan's Column / În Columna lui Traian nr. 53 și 54/1870

Romaneț O. (1966) Moldovan verses by Izidor Vorodchevici / Versurile moldovenești ale lui Izidor Vorodchevici / «Bucovina Sovietică».

Giuglea G. (1936) The travels of the monk Chiriac from the Secul monastery / Călătoriile călugărului Chiriac de la mînăstirea. București, p.37.

History of Russian ethnography / История русской этнографии, v. III, Peterburg, 1981, p. 425.




How to Cite

Yantsos, N. (2022). Forgotten Source: Study M. Laszlo-Kutiuk «Romanian-Ukrainian Literary Relations in XIXth Century the Beginning of XXth Century» (to the Problem of Digitizing Educational Resources). Didactica Danubiensis, 2(1). Retrieved from



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