How Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence can Contribute to Increasing Academic Performance
educational data mining; data mining methods and techniquesAbstract
In the increasingly advanced information age we live in, data is a precious resource in all fields, and education is no exception. The use of data mining methods and techniques and artificial intelligence in education can contribute to improving the learning process and the academic performance of students. The objective of data mining is to discover patterns from large volumes of data for the personalization of learning, the prediction of student performance, the prevention of school dropout, the evaluation of the effectiveness of educational programs, the creation of automated learning systems, the improvement of teaching processes, and innovation in education. In our paper, we aim to analyze the impact of the use of data mining and artificial intelligence to identify opportunities for their use to improve the educational system. In a future project, we propose to apply data mining techniques and methods to original data sets that lead to the best possible quality of pre-university education in Romania.
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