Integrated Educational Platforms in Modern Higher Education
constructivist learning; digital competence; communication; information society; information technologiesAbstract
The article addresses a current issue focused on the influence of new information technologies on the didactic process in modern higher education. The content of the article includes interpretations of the concepts such as constructivist learning, digital competence, informational society, information and communication technologies, etc., being additionally highlighted some fundamental characteristics of these concepts. The advantages and disadvantages of the use of information technologies by trainees and trainers are presented. A series of integrated educational platforms and software are proposed for the teaching-learning-assessment process of students.
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Recomandation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2006 on key competences for lifelong learning - 2006/962/EC. Retrieved from, date: 30.06.2023.
Botnari, V., Repeșco, G. (2020) Impactul competenței digitale a cadrului didactic asupra eficienței creării contextelor de învățare transformativă. În: Materialele conferinței naționale cu participare internațională Educația din perspectiva conceptului Clasa Viitorului. Universitatea Pedagogică de Stat „Ion Creangă” din Chișinău: SC Garomont Studio SRL, pp. 239-249. ISBN 978-9975-3461-1-5.
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