Working Papers2021-04-05T09:42:55+00:00Catalin Angelo Ioancatalin_angelo_ioan@univ-danubius.roOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Frequency: 1 issues per year </strong>(September)<br><strong>Print ISSN: 2668-2710</strong><br><br></p> Psychological Profile of Adolescent - Arkadi Makarovici, from the Novel the Adolescent by Feodor Dostoievsky2021-04-05T09:42:45+00:00Petrina<p>Intre psihologia persoajului literar si stiinta psihologica sunt diferente semnificative, caci una este arta si alta scriinta. Consideratiile noastre analitice se focalizeaza pe viziunea dostoievskiana despre om, in general, si despre adorescent in special. Nuantele dostoievskiene sunt analizabile si cu instrumentele specifice psihologului, cu observatie ca exced domeniul, plangand in psihiatricul abisal. De aici si limitele care ne sunt impuse in demersul analitic de contagiunea artisticului si psihiatricului.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Petrina Cretu Social Stigmatization the Cause of Depression2021-04-05T09:42:46+00:00Veronica<p>Obesity involves multiple interactions between genetic, social, behavioral, metabolic, cellular and molecular factors that result in changes in energy balance. Obesity is also a physical disease, but also a psychological one, and a closer look will show that psychological problems not only can foreshadow the development of obesity, but they are intrinsic to weight loss attempts. Discrimination against obese people extends beyond the medical office. For example, at school, students face prejudice on the basis of extra pounds, coming from both colleagues and teachers, points out Dr. Puhl. Discrimination on the basis of obesity occurs early, studies suggest. Of all the psychological factors that can influence childhood obesity, stress is the strongest, but unfortunately it is the last to be considered by parents in such cases. In addition to stress, depression and boredom are other psychological factors that can cause children to overeat. Last but not least, there are social or economic factors that can be associated with childhood obesity. For example, a low level of education deprives the child of healthy eating habits.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Veronica Epureanu Syndrome – Diagnosis and Therapies2021-04-05T09:42:46+00:00Sabina<p>Asperger’s syndrome (also known as Asperger’s disorder, SA) was first described in 1944 by an Austrian pediatrician named Hans Asperger. He followed the behaviour of four young people with similar social problems over a longer period of time. Although their intelligence was normal, the children had no nonverbal communication skills and did not demonstrate empathy with their peers. Their way of expressing themselves was either dissociated or too formal, and their interests all within narrow subjects dominated their conversations. The children also shared a tendency towards being left-handed. Many professionals considered Asperger’s syndrome to be simply an easier form of autism and used the term “high functioning autism” to describe these people.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Sabina Sandu is Personality?2021-04-05T09:42:47+00:00Simona<p>The field of human personality offers various areas of research. Most of them are topical because we are facing a complex concept that has multiple implications in all the planes in which and with which it interacts.Like other concepts in the field of psychology, personality raises the problem of defining and understanding in all its meanings. For psychology, personality is a quality that any human individual can acquire, at a certain stage of its development, meeting certain defining notes or characteristics. We have a number of factors and conditionings that occur naturally during the development of this notion of personality.Thus, the fundamental characteristic of the subject is dissonant nature ofsocial maturity and therefore personality development.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Simona Scinteie of Research Questions and Hypothesis on Mixed Methods Approach: An Analysis with Special Reference to Research Designs2021-04-05T09:42:48+00:00Shame Mukokasmukoka49@gmail.comDavid Chibhoyismukoka49@gmail.comTafadzwa<p>This paper sought to guide researchers as to the use of research questions and hypothesis during a research process. This paper argues that research design must be used as a tool to justifying the use of research questions and or hypothesis or both.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Shame Mukoka, David Chibhoyi, Tafadzwa Machaka Approaches and Sampling Methods Paradox: The Beginning of Marginal Thinking in Research Methodology2021-04-05T09:42:48+00:00Shame Mukokasmukoka49@gmail.comDavid Chibhoyismukoka49@gmail.comTafadzwa<p>This paper argues that the current sampling methods selection amongst researchers is based on normative or opinionated reasoning that lacks particularity and focus. Researchers fail to give justifications for the choosing of the sampling method during research process. This paper asserts that it is, not the research approach that determines the sampling method, but the nature of the population of the study.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Shame Mukoka, David Chibhoyi, Tafadzwa Machaka’ Confidence and Investment Period: Key Variables for Interest Rate Policy Effectiveness2021-04-05T09:42:49+00:00Shame Mukokasmukoka49@gmail.comDavid Chibhoyismukoka49@gmail.comTafadzwa<p>This monograph seeks to augment works by both contemporary and conventional economists, on the effectiveness of interest rates on money supply in an economy. This paper, presents the significance of investors’ confidence and investment period as key variables on ensuring the effectiveness of interest rate as a policy for regulating money supply in an economy.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Shame Mukoka, David Chibhoyi, Tafadzwa Machaka of Economist and Indigenous Institutions2021-04-05T09:42:49+00:00Shame Mukokasmukoka49@gmail.comDavid Chibhoyismukoka49@gmail.comTafadzwa<p>This paper provides a reconsideration of the role of the economist in economic growth. The paper argued that economists and policy makers alike overlook the role indigenous institutions play in economic development. The paper argues that informal institutions, which underlie formal institutions, cannot be imposed from above but must develop from the ground up. Imposing formal institutions that do not align with the underlying institutions will not be effective. The paper’s reconsideration of the role of the economist in economic growth, concluded that there is a significant role for the economist to play, that of understanding the interplay of both formal and informal institutions and their impact on economic activity. In addition, the paper posits that economist can serve a critical function as an educator and advisor to both the general public and policy makers. In this capacity, the economist plays an important role in shaping public opinion and ideology which is critical in achieving long-lasting institutional and social change.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Shame Mukoka, David Chibhoyi, Tafadzwa Machaka in Family Relations2021-04-05T09:42:50+00:00Cristina<p>From my own perspective, empirical, observational experience, without applying questionnaires or tests, I consider that there are some important barriers in the family relationship: language barriers, when generations do not understand each other and young people use jargon, conception barriers when a new member appears and they get married and the children form a new family and barriers related to the expression of emotions and thoughts related to the fear of communicating assertively, to be honest and to get over a conflict more easily. As an axiom of the Palo Alto School of Communication says, when we don't communicate, we still do it, we can't just not communicate.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Cristina Stefanescu and Artificial Intelligence: A Reassessment Proposal2021-04-05T09:42:51+00:00Andreea Cristina<p>Short-term psychotherapy helps patients become aware and change their behavior when faced with an immediate emotional conflict and implement a process of transformation through listening, observation, awareness and interventions. Therapeutic work uses tools and techniques to trigger a process of change, emphasizing cognitive and affective understanding. This article presents an approach that combines Psychology and Artificial Intelligence in order to improve psychotherapy with computer-implemented tools. This approach highlights the intersection between these two areas of knowledge and shows how machine intelligence can help characterize affective areas, build genograms, determine self-differentiation, investigate patterns of cognitive interaction, and achieve self-awareness and redefinition. The conceptual proposal was implemented by a web application and a sample of computer-assisted analysis is presented.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Andreea Cristina Ciobotaru Reading Techniques2021-04-05T09:42:51+00:00Laurentiu<p>Dozens of people, dozens or hundreds of faces, pass through our faces every day. We identify or communicate with those around us through a series of rules, which are imprinted on us as universal themes or acquired individually. The art of face reading, body language, paraverbal communication, vestmentation, dates back millennia, has been preserved and transmitted with a sense of responsibility, the fundamental principles have remained unchanged, so even today, the in-depth study of this art gives us unwavering clues to the surrounding reality and accurately identifies the role that man has to perform and the correct position of man in the peculiarities of his evolution vertically between heaven and earth.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Laurentiu Arama and School are Determinant Factors in the Formation of the Human Personality2021-04-05T09:42:52+00:00Cristina<p>The literature defines personality as the systemic, particularly complex set of programs, deep structures, features, and their organization in terms of the concrete person, focusing on the uniqueness, originality and stability that distinguishes the individual from others. In a general sense, the personality names the human being, in a social and cultural context, being always unique and original, as it starts from a singular hereditary dowry. Each individual is born with a human potential, which is capitalized and developed gradually, in the light of socialization and enculturation. According to the anthropological meaning, the personality represents a bio-socio-cultural entity, being analyzed the living human being, concretely, as a whole; from a biological point of view, the personality is oriented towards the human being who knows, acts, transforms the world and himself; the axiological perspective defines the personality as a product, a producer of values.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Cristina Lupu Differences between Mind, Psychic, Consciousness, Consciousness, Soul, Spirit and Personality2021-04-05T09:42:53+00:00Cristina<p>The literature defines the mind as the set of informational characteristics, which include concepts such as consciousness, perception, thinking, judgment, language and memory, being closely related to reason and intellect. It is noticeable the use of the term “mind” in the sense of cognition and logic, of thinking and reasoning, this being contrasted with the heart and emotion. In a deeper approach, however, the mind means the human connection with subjective experience, through which individuals feel animated, from emotions to thoughts, from rational opinions to inner sensory immersions, also referring to the connections established with other people.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Cristina Lupu Advertising2021-04-05T09:42:53+00:00Cristina Stefanescugabrielamargarit@univ-danubius.roAndreea Ciobotarugabrielamargarit@univ-danubius.roSilvia<p>The criterion of behavioral expression is a strong and absolutely necessary criterion. But it is not enough, because both conscious and unconscious processing are expressed in the subject's answers. In the case of communication for advertising type, the stimuli are represented by the advertising messages themselves, respectively the components of an advertisement. The elements that make up an advertisement are stimuli that are received by individuals as sensations with a certain informational content. Any advertisement must achieve a unity between the conceptual text and image message and the elements related to shape and color.</p>2021-03-23T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2021 Cristina Stefanescu, Andreea Ciobotaru, Silvia Popaca