Moderating Effect of Market Facilities and Sociocultural Proximity on the Attitude-Purchasing Behavior Relationship


  • Kayou Clemence université de maroua


Counterfeit drugs, attitude, purchasing behavior, perceived risk.


The purpose of this research is to analyze the moderating effect of market facilities and socio-cultural proximity on the relationship between attitude and purchasing behavior of counterfeit drugs. The purchase of illicit drugs requires a better understanding of consumer behavior if the authorities are to effectively combat the development of this scourge. Data collected from 696 households in the cities of Maroua, Garoua and Ngaoundere were analyzed using SPSS, STATA and AMOS software. The results show that only market facilities moderate the effect of attitude on buying behavior. The fact that the seller can sell on credit, retail and without consultation moderates the effect of attitude on the purchase behavior of counterfeit drugs. However, the socio-cultural proximity between the seller and even the entourage does not significantly influence the consistency between attitude and behavior. To effectively fight against the purchase of counterfeit drugs, the facilities of the counterfeit drug market must be taken into account in the anti-counterfeiting strategy.

Key words: Counterfeit drugs, attitude, purchasing behavior, perceived risk.


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How to Cite

Clemence, K. (2021). Moderating Effect of Market Facilities and Sociocultural Proximity on the Attitude-Purchasing Behavior Relationship: Array. EuroEconomica, 40(2). Retrieved from


