Accounting of the Operations Regarding the Calculation and Recording of Tax on Profit


  • Camelia Madalina Beldiman Dunarea de Jos University


closing the income and expenditure accounts; profit tax; profit distribution; public financial resources; the state budget


The present paper highlights the importance of the corporate income tax when setting up public financial resources to the State Budget through taxes, contributions and any income of a fiscal nature. The tax is a form of collecting part of the incomes of legal entities, which enters the state’s patrimony for the payment and coverage of public expenses. This collection is mandatory, with a non-refundable title and without direct benefit from the state. Taxation is a bridge between the state and legal entities and taxes are necessary, without their existence, the state cannot exercise its powers. At the same time, the tax on profit remains the main way of taxing the income from the economic activities and an important direct tax, with an essential role in the constitution of the public financial resources. The activity of the economic agents that fall according to the turnover to pay the tax on profit is carried out on the basis of a complex legislation that clearly establishes which are the revenues, which are the expenses and which is the part of the realized profit subject to taxation.


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How to Cite

Beldiman, C. M. . (2020). Accounting of the Operations Regarding the Calculation and Recording of Tax on Profit: Array. EuroEconomica, 39(2). Retrieved from