Exploring Interdependence in Tourism Economic Development Ecosystems
South Africa; Ecosystem; Tourism; ResilienceAbstract
Ecosystems represent complex interrelated systems monitored by economic indicators. To maximise future desired economic performance, resilience within the economic ecosystem leads to its long-term sustainability. The aim of this article is to review how resilience could be achieved for a tourism economic ecosystem to disruptive change. Resilience is a concept that defines business and government’s ability to adapt to economic disruptive change. Resilience for tourism entails ensuring the sustainability of an economic ecosystem to delineate future growth of that destination. The research is descriptive and conceptual in nature, adopting a qualitative research approach. A map of a tourism ecosystem is proposed reliant on economic indicator interpretation to realistically put forward future economic development strategies that promote overall system resilience towards economic growth. Researchers with a specific interest in tourism ecosystems may find this paper useful in understanding the complexity of interpreting economic indicators to develop future economic growth opportunities.
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