Opportunities for the Development Crowdfunding in the Republic of Moldova
The purpose of the research is to highlight the functioning of crowdfunding in the current context of financing economic agents, and the objectives set refer to: reflecting studies on the concept of crowdfunding, analyzing it internationally, presenting the specific situation for the Republic of Moldova regarding; elucidating the opportunities and challenges in the development of crowdfunding. Prior work: The paper is based on the concept of studying loan-based crowdfunding services for economic agents and is related to other mentioned research. Approach: The research methods used: descriptive method, graphic method, SWOT analysis, synthesis, observation and comparison, deduction and induction, scientific abstraction. Results: Presenting aspects of the functioning of crowdfunding in the Republic of Moldova compared to the practices and types of platforms used internationally, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges in the development of participatory financing. Implications: The research conducted is useful for researchers and teachers who study the field of financing economic agents through the crowdfunding mechanism. Value: This work is unique in presentation of aspects regarding the functioning of the crowdfunding mechanism, the results are relevant and significant in view of the opportunity to develop the topic addressed, which is of particular relevance and importance.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tatiana Moroi, Cernit Rodica , Aureliu Mărgineanu

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