Journal of Danubian Studies and Research
<p><strong>Frequency: 2 issues per year (October)</strong><br><strong>Print ISSN: 2284 – 5224</strong><br><strong>Online ISSN: 2392 – 8050 </strong><br><br></p>Danubius University Pressen-USJournal of Danubian Studies and Research2284-5224<p>The author fully assumes the content originality and the holograph signature makes him responsible in case of trial.</p>Mermaid Rituals of Ethnic Bulgarians and Romanians of Southern Bessarabia
<p>The article studies the mermaid rituals of ethnic Bulgarians and Romanians of Southern Bessarabia. The main attention is focused on the historical and genetic features of the Bessarabian folk tradition, the most common and at the same time the most typical ritual actions of the Rusalii holiday for the inhabitants of the villages of Southern Bessarabia are analysed.</p> <p>The analysis of the main elements of the folk rituals of the Bulgarian and Romanian population of Bessarabia allows us to state that the existence of the components of this holiday today in South Bessarabia is characterized by local variability of individual rites both in terms of structural and formal expression and in terms of polyfunctional semantics.</p> <p>In general, the rituals of Bulgarian and Romanian rusalia contain Slavic and Balkan components layered on a more ancient all-European base.</p>Alla SokolovaMariia Sokolova
Copyright (c) 2024 Alla Sokolova, Mariia Sokolova
2024-11-012024-11-01142714The Formation of the Administrative-Territorial System in the Context of the Formation of Modern Ethnogeographical Systems in Bulgaria
<p>The purpose of the article is to identify the peculiarities of formation of the modern<br />administrative-territorial structure of Bulgaria and to analyze their compliance with the ethnogenetic<br />factor of the territory’s development. Resettlement has its genetic basis, its roots in the natural and<br />geographical environment, ethno-cultural, socio-economic and political features of the territory. The<br />genesis of settlement covers the time of initial settlement and economic development of the territory,<br />as well as all its subsequent changes and transformations. This is one of the main types of sociogeographical<br />processes that has its own dynamics, development trends, ethno-demographic and socioeconomic<br />“trajectory”. The genetic taxonomy should comprehensively take into account the entire set<br />of historical and geographical preconditions and factors of settlement, on the one hand, and the<br />peculiarities of the settlement process itself with its dynamics, transformations and changes, on the<br />other. This is a very complex task that requires in-depth methodological and methodological<br />developments. The paper uses statistical and research materials. The second important component of<br />settlement is the network of settlements (settlement network). The methodological scheme for<br />analyzing settlement networks has been developed in great detail in social and geographical studies and<br />is represented by numerous developments. In the context of this work, it is necessary to identify the<br />main typological characteristics of the settlement network that determine the genetic types of<br />settlement. The territorial organization of the population of a certain territory has the following<br />typological features: a genetically related network of settlements has a characteristic functional and<br />settlement structure with a certain list of functional and genetic types of settlements, their quantitative<br />ratio and hierarchy, with more or less pronounced central locations and regional centers; a genetically<br />related settlement network has a peculiar set of settlement locations and their evolutionary change<br />associated with the development of the network; the network of settlements has its own territorial<br />structure with a typical configuration, density and population of settlements, forms of their placement<br />- single, group, agglomerated, area; the combination of such characteristics represents the territorial<br />structure of the network of settlements. The question of correspondence between administrative-</p> <p>territorial systems of settlement, on the one hand, and genetic types of settlement, on the other, remains<br />open. In a general sense, there will be no such correspondence: each of the administrative systems of<br />settlement can, in principle, have a particular combination of genetic types of settlement and vice versa.</p>Vyacheslav Todorov
Copyright (c) 2024 Vyacheslav Todorov
2024-11-012024-11-011421523Folklore Musical Traditions as a Component of the Ethno-History of the Ukrainian Danube Region
<p>The article is devoted to the historical, social, and artistic values of folk music traditions of the Ukrainian Danube region, its originality and genre-ethnic features. The role, the place of traditions, the significance of folklore in the life of human society is determined, because folklore is the tradition and reality in which a person lives. The scientific understanding of the regularities of the historical and ethno-social development of folk culture, the specifics of the functioning of certain types and genres of folk art in it is defined. It has been proven that folklore is present in the customs, way of activity and behavior of the people, affects the spiritual and moral culture of the ethnic group, shapes its hopes and life direction.</p>Olena Bukhnieva
Copyright (c) 2024 Olena Bukhnieva
2024-11-012024-11-011422431Linguistic Means of Conveying Persuasion in the Advertising Discourse of the Danube Region
<p>Persuasion should be understood as verbal and nonverbal influence on the human psyche, which is perceived without critical evaluation, but changes its psychoemotional and physiological state. Persuasive influence is carried out during the interaction of the persuader (subject of persuasion) and the sugerend (object of persuasion), and the success of such interaction depends on both their personal qualities and situational factors. The analysis of the phenomenon of persuasion allowed us to present the definition of persuasive discourse as a purposeful communicative action in order to influence the subconscious of the addressee to change one’s psychoemotional and physiological state, which is a set of process and result and includes both extra-linguistic and linguistic components. Persuasion is an integral part of both everyday communication and professional discourse. It is widely used in such a communicative sphere as advertising discourse. Mass media are a powerful source of influence on the subconscious of a large audience, and persuasive technologies are usually used here for advertising purposes. In order to influence the addressee, specialists in the field of advertising use not only individual linguistic techniques to enhance persuasive influence (emotionally-coloured lexical units, tropes, repetitions, enumerations, parcelling, rhyme, paronymic attraction), but also ready-made persuasive texts in which the object of advertising is encoded.</p>Tetiana Soroka
Copyright (c) 2024 Tetiana Soroka
2024-11-012024-11-011423241National Holidays and Ceremonies of the Ukrainian Danube Region in the Paradigm of Valuable Attitude to Ethnic and Family Traditions
<p>The article reveals the role of folk holidays and ceremonies of Ukraine, which have always been an important factor in the formation of historical memory, national identity, and mentality, which have been embodied in most folklore genres through the most diverse artistic forms. The system of folklore traditions, which cover all spheres of life and world perception within the framework of the traditional Ukrainian life system, defined the ethno-mental, moral and reference sphere, which participates in the structuring and evaluation of the surrounding world. They form a national conceptual sphere that contains ethnic preferences and standards of behavior, which allows us to talk about the value attitude to ethnic and family traditions. The article proves that the archetypes of the Ukrainian mentality manifest themselves as symbols in myths, fairy tales, folklore, rites, traditions, and are a generalization of the experience of our ancestors. In national cultures, the fate and historical experience of a certain people, the process of forming the spirituality of the Ukrainian ethnic group, are embodied. Local differences in the ethnocultural traditions of each region of Ukraine are of particular importance, in particular, the ethnoculture of the Danube region is characterized by bright individual features.</p>Wang Chengxi
Copyright (c) 2024 Wang Chengxi
2024-11-012024-11-011424256Geodemographic Processes in the Areas of Compact Settlement of Bulgarians in Ukrainian Bessarabia
<p>The intense phase of Russian aggression has changed the geo-economic role of different<br />regions of Ukraine. Thus, the southwestern part of Odesa region has become the center of export and<br />import operations of our country. Accordingly, territorial communities and industrial enterprises<br />(organizations) have the opportunity to integrate into new logistics chains to form the basis for their<br />effective development. An important factor in understanding the approaches to strategic crisis<br />management of organizations in Ukrainian Bessarabia is the SWOT analysis of the region’s<br />development. This scientific approach identifies internal advantages and disadvantages, as well as<br />opportunities and threats.</p>Vyacheslav TodorovVictor Khomutov
Copyright (c) 2024 Vyacheslav Todorov, Victor Khomutov
2024-11-012024-11-011425764Why is Romania in Last Place in Europe (30 out of 30 Countries Analyzed) in the Work-Life Balance Index
<p>According to a study conducted by a prestigious Institute2 in 2023, in Romania, the level of<br />balance between work and personal life is the place out of 30 countries where these researches were<br />carried out). The purpose of this scientific research is to identify the reason for this ranking for Romania<br />and to identify ways to improve the indicators that determine the World-Life Balance indicator. Let’s<br />understand what is the reason that led to this result. The research presented in the annex identified 8<br />indicators that could be measured to determine a ranking in Europe.</p> <p> </p>Ciprian Manea
Copyright (c) 2024 Ciprian Manea
2024-11-012024-11-011426577Nation’s Ethos in Romanian Literature
<p>It is indisputable that the foundation of any national literature is laid by the spiritual life of the people, and the organ of its genuine expression is the people’s language. There is a tight relation between a culture and the landscape within it has been forming. Thus the surrounding nature and historical circumstances have a major part to play in determining a nation’s literature birth and development. All the Romanian literature draws its roots, at one time or another, from our inexhaustible autochthonous folklore, that is, according the the great Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu, an essential ground for the future of our national literary art. Romanian folklore expressions evoking the Danube represent a particular interest due to their amazing spiritual freshness, popular wisdom. The Danube’s magnificence is being lyrically sung as well in Romanian Doinas for centuries.</p>Ludmila Baltatu
Copyright (c) 2024 Ludmila Baltatu
2024-11-012024-11-011427885Approaches to Strategic Crisis Management of Enterprises in Ukrainian Bessarabia: Socio-Economic Factors
<p>The intense phase of Russian aggression has changed the geo-economic role of different regions of Ukraine. Thus, the southwestern part of Odesa region has become the center of export and import operations of our country. Accordingly, territorial communities and industrial enterprises (organizations) have the opportunity to integrate into new logistics chains to form the basis for their effective development. An important factor in understanding the approaches to strategic crisis management of organizations in Ukrainian Bessarabia is the SWOT analysis of the region's development. This scientific approach identifies internal advantages and disadvantages, as well as opportunities and threats.</p>Serhii Moskaliuk
Copyright (c) 2024 Serhii Moskaliuk