Bullying Predictor Behavior

of Juvenile Delinquency

Lăcrămioara Mocanu1, Elena-Lidia Niță2

Abstract: The phenomenon of “bullying” incorporates a set of undesirable social care and repercussions regarding care in this way, so as to integrate aggressive schemes into the psychic structure, and to be able to have other care to be targeted, through which behaviors that work it generates social isolation, low self-esteem and disturbance of values of care is unique to each individual. At European level, Romania ranks 3rd in the other 42 countries for the care of a phenomenon of cargo investigation, which refers to all the organizations of the World Health Organization (WHO), with 17% of the 11 children from 11 care and the recognition in force. At least three times in the previous month, at least 13 years, respectively 15 years, being 23%.

Keywords: behaviors; self-esteem; delinquency; adolescent; social norms

Bullying behavior from the perpetrator's perspective is a risk factor for juvenile delinquency, because the causes that trigger such forms of abuse are: lack of empathy, egocentrism, superficial treatment of social relationships. Bullying is characterized by several forms of manifestation:

The adolescent who has deviant behavior is hostile to dialogue, responds loosely and loosely, communicates hard and monosyllabically. He uses a slang language to hide his poor verbal skills. At the deviant adolescent the ability to synthesize and systematize is poorly developed, and all higher thinking structures are delayed, he cannot critically interpret reality, only partially realizing the major importance of the spheres of life and social activity. He cannot explicitly formulate some basic questions about his own place and purpose, self-reflection and self-analysis that are specific to this age.

He cannot explicitly formulate some basic questions about his own place and purpose, self-reflection and self-analysis that are specific to this age.

Referring to the causes that cause bullying, it is reported that these causes are similar when it comes to delinquent behavior.

Juvenile delinquency is a component of crime Juvenile delinquents especially commit the crime of theft and that of vagrancy and begging.

In a quite large number of cases, rapes, bodily injury, and in a small number, they commit crimes of strikes causing death, murder and attempted murder. Other causes of juvenile delinquency may be:

Until the age of 14, minors are not criminally liable. From this age, however, until the age of 16, minors are held criminally liable if they find out that they had discernment at the time of the deed, that is, if they knew they were doing something wrong, unauthorized and aware of its consequences. After reaching the age of 16, minors are criminally liable as are the adults. According to Art.52 C.p. (Criminal Code). “The punishment is a measure of constraint and a means of re-educating the convicted person. The purpose of the punishment is to prevent new crimes from being committed Art. 100 Criminal Code “An educational measure or a punishment may be taken against the criminally responsible minor.” The educational measures that can be taken against minors are:

Given both the phenomenon of bullying and juvenile delinquency, it is necessary to pay greater attention to the way of educating children from an early age. It is necessary that a preventive measure for combating these acts that endanger human integrity is the formation of children both in school and in the family environment.

Effective communication between the competent authorities and the abused or abusive child may indicate a step towards resolving risk situations. Why is communication that may be indispensable in the use of annihilation regarding delinquent behavior considered? The answer can be seen in human nature itself. The totality of emotions can be reached to each fact as far as facts are concerned, which can cause more or more reactions to the situation.

When we consider negative emotions, they appear and somatization, causing an imbalance of the body. In adolescence, the stage model according to the moral points in front of Kohlberg, adolescents are entrusted with applying norms, accepting the convenience of good and evil. When they are cared for from the age of 17-18, they are in disadvantaged environments, respecting these social norms is very difficult. or they are harmful to their moral and social work. A cause of triggering such lips is communication, therefore, through the verbal expression of the experiences, of frustrations, of an unfulfilled adolescent manages to be able to discharge all the mental tension.

Finally, by exposing the causes that generate behaviors within the sphere of delinquency, it is desired to focus more attention on the part of the authorities, of the specialized persons, of the members of the groups of belonging, since any reaction signaled from its beginning has a higher rate to be canceled.


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1 Associate Professor, PhD, Faculty of Communication and International Relations, Specialization Psychology, Danubius University of Galati, Romania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd., Post code: 800654 Galati, Romania, Tel.: +40372361102, Fax: +40372361290, Corresponding author: lacramioaramocanu@univ-danubius.ro.

2 Psychologist.

New Trends in Psychology, Vol. 1, no 2/2019, pp. 43-46