Motivation in the
Educational Environment
Valentina-Beatrice (Moisă) Munteanu1
Abstract: In the article, Motivation in the educational environment, a multitude of sources are capitalized: the student’s interests; the cultural heritage of mankind; the challenges of contemporary life; general human values processed, reflected and transmitted by pedagogy. The approach focuses on content elements of obvious epistemic value: learning and its activation models, its motivation and performativity in school, creativity, school group as a psychoeducational environment, teacher personality and student profile, communication and efficiency of teaching relationships.
Keywords: motivation; education; learning; models; student; teacher; motivational profile; knowledge; values; curriculum; class management
“People don’t change their behavior unless they have something to gain from it.” Fran Tarkent
When there is goodwill and a desire for knowledge, when everything comes from an inner impulse, when everything flows normally, the path that the student travels is not difficult, he becomes easy to follow, as in a creative game, which you play with pleasure. Thus, they become motivated, responsible, eager to know. They start to act, they are spontaneous, curious and open to change, motivated to action. The types of motivations make the difference in intensity. For Maslow, motivational factors are the support of personality. M. Golu, explains the motivational horizon as “the relationship between the force of primary motives, which have their source in the biological nature of man, and the force of secondary ones, which have their origin in the way of his sociocultural existence.”
Starting from the Piagetian theory, the American psychologist David Ausubel considers that the student’s performance in the learning activity, his capacity to face the learning requirements are closely related to what he called the state of cognitive preparation.
Emphasizing the decisive role of the child’s activity in learning, Piaget believes that the school must become an environment that stimulates and promotes self-construction processes. The teacher is the mentor, the facilitator, the mediator between knowledge and the student who learns, he guides, facilitates the discovery of notions and elaborates learning strategies, presents new knowledge in a predetermined form.
At the basis of any human action, and therefore at the basis of learning are:
internal factors (such as the person’s motivation);
external factors (concrete situations, social pressure, desire for appreciation from peers).
At the base of human behavior is always a set of stimuli or motives - needs, tendencies, attractions, interests, desires, aspirations, ideals that support from within the realization of certain actions, facts, attitudes.
The term “motivation” derives from a medieval Latin verb “movere”, which means “to set in motion”. Motivation has the role of guiding, supporting and determining the efforts made by students in order to achieve their own goals or those set by others. The meaning of the term “to be motivated to learn” expresses in behavioral terms a mobilizing state and directed towards achieving certain goals. In this way the student will be deeply involved in learning tasks, will be oriented towards goals that are largely aware. He transfers in learning, relatively consciously, over a certain period of time, the cognitive potential, the affective states, the dominants in the sphere of preoccupations and daily activities, the life experience.
Teachers, in order to be motivated, are supposed to have discovered their inclinations, passions, interests, to capitalize on the characteristics of their own personality in teaching and the activities carried out in school. Motivation is an essential condition for the student’s success in school.
The optimal level of motivation depends not only on the difficulty of the task, but also on the psychic peculiarities, it also includes the projection of the personality, in the future, through specific psychic structures, constituted at the level of consciousness, as, for example: needs, desires, ideals, aspirations. There are two opposite categories of learning motivation in the literature: intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation has its source in the activity itself carried out and is satisfied by carrying out that activity. It determines the individual to participate in an activity for the pleasure and satisfaction it brings him, without being constrained by external factors. The basic form of intrinsic motivation is curiosity and, especially, epistemic curiosity, which expresses the need to know, to broaden and enrich one’s horizon of knowledge, to be competent, and therefore to learn. The intrinsically motivated learning activity is that supported by an inner need for knowledge, the passion for a certain field, the pleasure of learning. It is achieved with a relatively low mobilization effort, leads to feelings of satisfaction, satisfaction, fulfillment and leads to a lasting and lasting assimilation of knowledge. Extrinsic motivation is that whose source is outside the individual and the activity performed.
Intrinsic motivation is triggered in the student, the action being sustained internally and is a condition of school success. This form of motivation makes it possible for the student himself to want to learn everything that is given as a learning task.
“As the most direct expression of intrinsic motivation, interests determine attractiveness, pleasure and satisfaction in learning, the need to enrich and deepen knowledge in certain areas, the ability to overcome various obstacles or possible difficulties. They can support the persevering concern with passion for certain fields of activity. The interest, once crystallized, leads to the deepening of the preoccupations in the respective field and therefore to the cultivation of the aptitudes. This creates a continuous link between interests and successes: interest has been created by successes, and successes have been fostered by skills, and interests once formulated mobilize energies, thus contributing to the further development of skills.
Skills also have an important motivational value because man is inclined to manifest in the direction in which he can achieve success, so in the direction of his real skills. Attitudes that appear as dispositions of action, as something that predisposes action, have a special influence on the learning process. If the motive dynamizes the action, the attitude channels the subject’s activity towards the meaning it has for the subject. Aspirations also have a stimulating role in the learning process. The level of aspiration of the individual is not constant but undergoes changes in accordance with personal results, with group results, with the requirements imposed by a certain situation as well as in accordance with social requirements. The student’s school activity can be followed as any successful or unsuccessful activity.
ME. Bloch argues that the art of teaching others is a natural fact. Pedagogical aptitude is considered one of the main success factors in the educational instructional process. So, in other words, the teacher must have a vocation. By its nature, the educational process presupposes a leading relationship. The teacher is the appointed leader, whose activity is subsumed to leadership functions: he plans, organizes, controls and appreciates the students ‘activity, exercises a certain power, shapes students’ attitudes and behaviors, determines them to accept and respond to his influences. The leadership attitude that the teacher has inevitably generates certain educational practices or leadership styles. The leadership style of the leader has a strong impact on some essential aspects of group life: performance, interpersonal relationships, emotional climate, motivation.
Research Hypothesis
We aim to see if the purpose of student / teacher motivation is selfish-mercantile, then for it the meaning of life will be to ensure material comfort, good living as a goal in itself or, in an altruistic-spiritual, for which the meaning of existence it consists in putting one’s own abilities at the service of the expectations and needs of others and in satisfying spiritual needs such as those of knowledge, aesthetics, ethics, religion, etc. If the student’s level of preparation is higher, then the student’s performance in learning increases.
Methods and Techniques
The Object of Research
The tool used in this research is the questionnaire, both to achieve the motivational profile of the student and to determine the motivation of the student/ teacher.
Recent psychological, pedagogical, anthropological research changes the vision of the child and his role in his own education. Currently, the child is treated as a subject, which involves his active participation in the process of forming his own personality from birth. The world around, the events, the phenomena are perceived, experienced and appropriated by the child through the prism of his own needs, physiological and psychological needs that manifest from the first days of life.
Motivational Profile of the Student
It is important to encourage students to self-evaluate. For this, it is necessary to achieve a motivational profile of the student, through an evaluation of his interests, of the attractions and rejections for one discipline or another, of the future perspectives he has outlined, of the value he gives to the activity of learning. The motivational profile of the student must also include the perceptions regarding the competence and the degree of control that he / she estimates that he / she has in fulfilling the different learning tasks. The data necessary to achieve this motivational profile are obtained by observing the student in different learning contexts, through a discussion with the student or by applying a questionnaire.
Student profile M. Teodor., Male, age 12, 6th grade, School Nr. 28, Galaţi, school year 2017-2018. Research results motivational profile of the student. Appendix 1: Overall average from the previous year 9.80, general average for the 2017-2018 school year: 9.60.
He likes to go to school, he wants to get good grades, to be rewarded by his parents, to be appreciated by parents, teachers and colleagues, to be recognized and respected by others. He learns if the subject is interesting, if the teacher inspires confidence, and is calm, does not get angry, has an attractive teaching style and explains to everyone, is attentive to the needs of the student, is pleasant as a physical appearance, makes a correct assessment. He likes to paint, he wants to have a successful career, to be able to go on trips. The student M. Teodor, manifests a suitable behavior in a new, unusual and unexpected situation. It has logical arguments; he is intelligent, he has good results in teaching, in mathematics and physics where he found it more difficult, with the accumulation of knowledge, he solves more and more exercises correctly.
He is introverted, stable, quiet, constant, tolerant, controlled, peaceful, reflective, attentive, receptive, cautious, passive, he is communicative when he is confident, he asks questions in a conversational situation. He has a good memory, divergent thinking (imagination), convergent thinking (intelligence) highlight the fluidity in written expression and painting.
After analyzing an image, he can reproduce it in great detail. Flexible, creative, sensitive has the ability to capture dysfunctions, inconsistencies, opportunities for renewal where the situation seems natural to most. Easily notice the slightest mistakes, disturbances, structural inaccuracies or contradictions. The student has the capacity to formulate some hypotheses, the expression of possible relations between elements inaccessible to the direct perception and the capacity to elaborate an adequate and relevant approach for the verification of the respective hypothesis. M. T is considerably interested in almost all subjects studied in school and a wide variety of areas not addressed or insufficiently addressed in school, establishes relevant and constructive relationships between this knowledge and communicates it to others in common activities.
Assessment and Interpretation of the Questionnaire
Annex 1
The questionnaire can be applied to students aged 10-18. We applied this questionnaire on a sample of 15 students from the final years of industrial high school in Galati, school year 2017-2018.
a = 5p, b = 4p, c = 3p, d = 2p, e = 1p.
The application of the questionnaire shows that against the background of a high degree of instability, including school legislation, the school’s influence on the student is diminished, the formative values of the school in terms of value and behavior are reduced, in front of young people and society. The young man does not seem motivated enough to learn, or to continue his studies after graduating from high school. The main reason why the young person attends school after completing compulsory education is social success, they want to have material security, money, house, car, to promote in life, to have a social status, to be appreciated, to be independent. The factors that stand out are:
Affective-social factors, such as affectivity, the need for care and emotional warmth; identification: the need for acceptance, especially from teachers, parents; affiliation: the need to belong to those of the same age. In the first place, among the social factors, is the family, followed by friends and colleagues. The factors related to the school, namely the teachers and the school counselors are on the last places in the students’ option, a worrying fact, as it becomes obvious that the school does not properly fulfill its function of orientation towards values. Preparing young people for life is cultivating and developing truly human qualities.
Cognitive factors, such as independence: the need to follow one’s own path in life; competence: the need for knowledge, the acquisition of information and knowledge; interest: the need to participate in interesting, enjoyable activities. It turns out that in the learning process students avoided faithful memorization of the text, trying to practice intelligent, selective learning, remembering the essentials, main ideas, examples, meaningful images, etc.) that they filter through their own knowledge experience. The acquisition of a knowledge system regarding the logical functioning of thinking, psychic mechanisms, formation and development of intellectual capacities, cognitive and instrumental functions, assimilation schemes and operative structures ensures the acquisition of values that represent, at the level of the individual, his general culture. young man to get an idea of life. Moral factors, such as conscience: the need for trust, appreciation and self-appreciation, the need for recognition; conformity: the need to follow values, rules; responsibility: the need for self-integration, behavior and moral personality.
It is also concluded that teachers put pressure on the student, demand too much of him, and are not tolerant and understanding; feeling that has no motivating value. The school is useful, due to: intellectual training, professional training, education offered, culture, preparation for work / life, preparation for socialization / communication / relationships, mental and physical training, behavior education. However, the school does not offer models or is not interested in the student’s models, does not offer useful / concrete information for life, is not focused on the student, on his specific needs and interests. Unfortunately, the media, the internet and television offer models with a major impact on the lives of young people, such as: TV stars, actors, athletes, businessmen, politicians. Teachers are only a small model for their students, nor do they seem interested in the models their students have. Maybe they don’t feel motivated enough? What motivates them?
Average Values
Affective factors 51;
Cognitive factors: 47.80;
Moral factors: 43.20.
In the didactic activity, the diversity, the pleasant unexpected, stimulates the students’ attention, while the monotony, the high degree of predictability diminishes the spontaneous intensity of the attention and supposes a voluntary compensatory effort on the part of the student to continue the activity. We had a physics teacher in high school, who, when he found that we lost interest in what he was teaching, pretended to drop a pen, or chalk, or told a joke, managed to get our attention and continue his lesson. Although not everyone was attracted to physics, we knew how to solve almost all problems. The identification of cognitive interests at the age of adolescence, constituting defining elements of the personality, and represents an indication of the harmonious development of the personality. The need for knowledge arises during the assimilation of life experience; it has a dynamic evolution, specific to each person in different moments of his existence in terms of intensity, diversity of areas of interest and the concrete object of interest.
Assessment and Interpretation of the Questionnaire
Annex 2
In the questionnaire we did not make a distinction between the teachers, in the sense that three of them are middle school teachers, and the rest in number nine, high school teachers. A total of 12 teachers. In the opinion of secondary school teachers, the reasons why the student learns would be the attractive teaching style of the teacher, the interesting and attractive subject explained by the student, the number and type of extracurricular activities, teacher clothing, teacher tone, mime.
High school teachers believe that the weight of these explanations is lower in the student’s motivation, but gives an essential role to the attractive teaching style and the subject that should be interesting and attract the student, the student’s inclination towards that discipline, if an exam is held for that subject (The subject is interesting and attractive 50%). Learning as a means of satisfying the interests of knowledge (Effort in work83%). The interests for different fields of reality, characteristic of each age and within each person, are formed by cultivating curiosity from early childhood (The subject is interesting and attractive 50%). Another (reason) aspect that high school teachers specify as a reason why the student learns is that he believes that the subjects will be useful later. This reason is indicated by a smaller percentage of secondary school teachers. Good grades are presented as a less important reason in the learning process. It should be noted, however, that high school teachers are almost double the number of high school teachers. Teachers are aware that the educational model offered by the family is very important, although there is no linear communication between family and teacher, the teacher does not fully know the family environment of the child and the level of involvement of parents in education. Teachers (16.66%) do not consider that students are motivated by the possibility of obtaining a successful profession. The teachers (50%) consider that the studied subjects will be useful for the personal and professional development of the student and thus emphasize the importance of the role that the school has, through the quality of the information transmitted.
The students’ motives are extremely numerous and varied, individual and social. When they are rewarded, praised, encouraged, appreciated, students will give a higher performance, they have better results. If threatened, blamed or punished, the effects will be to abstain, avoid, refuse, or, become indifferent, undisciplined.
The teacher can intervene in regulating the level of aspiration by sharing the performance criteria of some social positions or roles, by raising awareness and positively strengthening the strategy for achieving positive performance, analyzing the causes of failure, providing positive compensatory stimuli (consolation, hope) and negative reinforcement of risk sources. Stimulation by praise is preferable to stimulation by punishment.
The motivation to learn can be influenced from the outside and through imitation and identification. Just as, according to the experimental data, parents strongly motivated for their professional activities (passionate) generally have children strongly motivated for learning, authentic teachers, passionate in the field and / or in the role of teacher, have students strongly motivated for learning (Choice of suitable models 58%).
Participation in accredited continuing education courses, symposia, conferences, seminars, use of ICT to improve the teaching-learning process, the fact that the Ministry of Education provides sufficient support and opportunities for professional development to cope with any curricular changes, etc., have supported in development of professional skills.
Answer to the question: What motivates the student to learn? it must be appropriate for each student, throughout the instructive-educational activity considering the complex dynamics of the needs, interests, goals, preferences of the same student. The answer to this question is not a simple one; the causality of an activity as complex as school learning cannot be reduced to a single factor, to a single reason.
Research Results
In the case of the student’s motivational profile: knowledge leads him to take the most appropriate measures and to adopt the best attitudes. Knowing and educating these reasons is the key to success in personal life. In all variants the hypotheses are confirmed, in the sense that if the purpose of the motivation of the student/ teacher is a selfish-mercantile one, then for him the meaning of life will consist in ensuring material comfort, good living as an end in itself but also an altruistic-spiritual one. The meaning of existence consists in putting one’s own capacities in the service of the expectations and needs of others and in satisfying spiritual needs such as those of knowledge, aesthetics, ethics, religion, etc. Also, if the student’s level of preparation is higher, then the student’s performance in learning increases. The essential problem of motivation refers to the determination of the means by which individuals, each with their own needs and their own personality, can be stimulated to contribute positively and efficiently to the achievement of the established objectives.
The professional motivation has as a stimulating source the work situation that appears from the teacher’s relation to his work, to its particularities. An essential component of the teaching activity carried out by the teacher in the school context is the stimulation of the students in order to actively and fully involve (cognitive, affective and voluntary) in the activity of acquiring knowledge. It is normal that based on the satisfaction of expectations, the level of aspiration to increase, and therefore the involvement of the person in the learning activity.
Final Conclusions
Cultivating the student’s need for knowledge highlights the teacher’s true didactic mastery, his aspiration for performance in educational activity, authentic vocational involvement in achieving his social function and approaching the modeling of the young generation from a broad, instructive and preventive perspective forming autonomous and creative personality.
The main reasons for knowledge are influenced in different weights and ways in the instructive-educational activity.
As motives are the most important levers of learning, their knowledge and education in age and in each student, is the key to success in instructional-educational work, in other words, the reason why life deserves to be lived and become a path to self-fulfillment.
In the case of teachers, completing the questionnaire highlighted values such as: integrity / honesty, pride in belonging to a team, vocation of public institution (in the sense of contributing to the public good, professionalism, dedication, cohesion, courage, involvement, dedication, tolerance, mental peace, inner beauty, of some people / teachers / parents (in turn).
All this emanates that inner state of man which knows its place in the Universe, does not emanate arrogance and does not astonish, on the contrary, the teacher / man to be humble, to be a model of non-violence and inner peace of the fulfilled man who knows his purpose in life.
Appendix 1
Questionnaire the Motivational Profile of the Student
Completing the questionnaire is done by circling / ticking the appropriate answer. If some questions do not suit your situation, leave that question unanswered and move on to the next one.
1. Do you like going to school every day? Tick the selected option with X.
A lot A lot A little Not at all
2. Do you happen to come to school with unprepared lessons?
Very often Often Rarely Never
3. You believe that what you learn in school helps you in life
A lot A lot A little Not at all
4. Your family is a role model for you
A lot A lot A little Not at all
5. The family is involved in your school life
A lot A lot A little Not at all
6. The family helps you in the learning process
A lot A lot A little Not at all
7. You are rewarded for good school results
Always Sometimes Never
8. The family has expectations regarding your school results
A lot A lot A little Not at all
9. You like to get involved in extracurricular activities
A lot A lot A little Not at all
10. Use information held by parents, siblings, grandparents, others
Always Sometimes Never
11. When you learn you try to logically retain the information taught by teachers at school
Always Sometimes Neve
12. The reasons why the student learns are:
The reasons why the student learns are |
To get good grades X |
X |
Parents insist on learning X |
X |
To have a successful career X |
X |
The subject is interesting and attractive, I like X. |
X |
The teacher is an X model |
- |
Let me not be ashamed of others |
- |
The teacher inspires fear |
- |
Because the teacher has an attractive teaching style X |
X |
The subjects will be useful to me later X |
X |
13. What are your favorite subjects? Check with X next to your favorite subject.
Object |
Student’s answer |
Math |
- |
Romanian language |
- |
Geography |
- |
Foreign languages |
- |
Physical education |
- |
Physics |
- |
Drawing |
- |
Musical education |
- |
Informatics |
- |
History |
- |
All objects |
X |
14. For you, are extracurricular activities important in learning?
A lot A lot A little Not at all
15. Does the atmosphere during classes motivate you to achieve positive learning outcomes?
A lot A lot A little Not at all
16. For you, the practical-applicative approach of the lessons motivates you in the learning process?
A lot A lot A little Not at all
17. Is the teacher’s attire and physical appearance important to you?
A lot A lot A little Not at all
18. How does the evaluation practiced by the teacher be an important criterion in your motivation as a student?
A lot A lot A little Not at all
19. Is career success influenced by the following factors? Check the chosen answer with an X.
Good school results |
X |
Knowledge of a foreign language |
X |
Work effort |
X |
Appearance Motivation (will, perseverance) in work |
X |
Intelligence, Good Memory X |
X |
Positive attitudes towards work (seriousness, passion, involvement, optimism, responsibility, trust, devotion) |
X |
Family support |
X |
20. For you, which of the following activities is important and to what extent:
Activity carried out |
Very much |
Much |
To some extent |
Not at all |
Family activities X |
X |
Activities with friends, neighbors |
X |
TV |
X |
Courses organized: dance, musical instrument, foreign languages, sports, etc. |
X |
Using the computer |
X |
You read books, magazines |
X |
You learn for school |
X |
Art (painting, drawing, modeling) |
X |
Outdoor recreation |
X |
21. To what extent are you motivated by these extracurricular learning activities?
Too much Too much Not enough Not at all Very much.
22. On a scale of 1-10, assess your level of motivation for learning, where 1 is the least, 10 is the most.
Note 10
23. On a scale of 1-10, do you appreciate how important school is to you in life? 1 is the least, 10 is the most.
Note 10
Annex 2
Learning motivation questionnaire:
Completing the questionnaire is done by circling / ticking the appropriate answer. If some questions do not suit your situation, leave that question unanswered and move on to the next one.
Answers: a: very much; b: much; c: so-and-so, maybe / unsure; d: very little; e: not at all
I like to tell my parents what happens at school.
Most teachers are correct with students.
Rather than compete with other colleagues, I prefer to be friendly with them.
When I focus on homework, my parents don’t bother me, and when I ask them for help, they offer it to me.
The subjects learned at school often arouse my interest, so I want to study the subject and deepen it.
The school is interesting and motivating.
I am ashamed of myself, and of others, if I do not get good results at school.
It is very important for me that teachers know that they can trust me.
School punishments are always fair, normal (low grades, absences, etc.).
Adults give too little help to children / young people.
I feel happy when my parents enjoy the good results I get at school.
I would feel bad if I disappointed my teachers.
I am happy when I can help my colleagues in school.
I like to carry out school activities together with other colleagues.
I usually don’t postpone homework until the last minute.
I believe that school helps me succeed in life.
If I did something wrong, I’d better admit than try to hide.
If the teachers let us consult during class, the school would become interesting to me.
I prefer to be corrected when I’m wrong.
No matter how hard I try, the teachers are not satisfied.
My parents are interested in what happens to me at school.
There are many teachers I admire.
I can sit quietly for a longer period of time.
I always remember the main ideas, examples, significant images.
I force myself not to lose concentration while answering lessons.
I do not speak without question.
When I am taken out to explain something on the board, I speak freely, without emotions.
I accept other points of view.
I feel good when my colleagues appreciate me.
I expect colleagues to be creative.
At school we learn many things that we will use in life.
In my free time, I try to find out various topics that interest me.
When a task is set for me, I try to do it as best I can.
I can easily learn words / facts / dates / terms.
I prepare for tests in advance.
I study alone (without teacher / parents).
School rules are generally correct and rational, I always try to follow them.
If I make a mistake I accept, to bear the consequences.
It’s hard for me to withstand the pressure that teachers put on me.
I rely on parental support and encouragement for school work.
Teachers’ explanations in class are sufficient.
I’m interested in what others think of me.
Parents appreciate my opinions.
We only learn useful things at school.
I am happy when we start learning about new things.
I always do my homework on time.
I always look for motivations to learn, no matter how hard it seems to me.
I never look for excuses, excuses.
My parents demand too much of me and put too much pressure on me.
Adults try to understand children’s feelings.
The teacher intervenes whenever a conflict arises at school.
It is easy for others to get along with me.
I answer, even if I’m not sure.
I can speak in such a way that I can be listened to by other students.
I try to talk while the teacher is teaching.
I always listen carefully to other students when I speak.
I wait quietly for my turn to speak.
I accept other points of view.
I manage to follow the teacher’s exposure for a longer period of time.
I try to solve my own problems.
No matter how hard the task is, I try to keep my interest and finish the work I started.
I think there are many very interesting hours.
Others can count on me.
I always strive to do well what is given to me at school.
I always take responsibility for what I did, no matter the consequences.
My parents have high expectations for my school performance.
My parents always express their gratitude to me when they get good results at school.
The relationship between students in this school is good.
Teachers are actively involved, understanding and helping students as much as they can.
School activities are not tiring, exhausting.
I don’t care how much effort I put in, as long as I can learn important things that help me in the future.
I consider the school activity motivating and interesting.
I strive to meet the expectations / trust of my parents.
I like rules and order.
Remorse is more torturous than severe punishment.
Adult expectations are always too much from children / you.
I remember the things I learned for a longer period of time
I focus when reading a large text.
I understand the main ideas of the text.
Summarize the main notions to be learned.
I can understand graphs or tables.
I manage to have my own ideas.
I constantly respond to classes.
I use dictionaries or encyclopedias frequently.
I manage to do my homework in a responsible way.
I manage to follow the teacher’s exposure for a longer period of time.
Annex 3:
Questionnaire on teacher motivation in school learning
Completing the questionnaire is done by circling / ticking the appropriate answer. If some questions do not suit your situation, leave that question unanswered and move on to the next one.
1. Do you consider yourself involved in developing students’ motivation to learn?
To a large extent To a large extent Sufficient Insufficient
To a large extent 33.3%, To a large extent 58, 3%, Sufficient 8.3%
2. From your point of view, what is the environment that determines success in life?
school = 30%
family = 54.5%
group of friends = 8%
road = 0.5%
mass media = 2%
extracurricular activities (sports, music, painting, dance, etc.) = 3%
educational programs / projects (entrepreneurship, healthy lifestyle, etc.) = 2%
3. To what extent did the participation in accredited continuous training internships, symposia, conferences, seminars, support you in developing the professional skills necessary to implement the classroom curriculum?
National Curriculum - concepts, definitions, documents, applicability |
83,33% |
Understanding the paradigm / philosophy proposed by the curricular change |
50% |
Understanding the paradigm / philosophy proposed by the curricular change |
66,66% |
Up-to-date specialist knowledge |
50% |
Planning learning units, designing lessons and learning activities |
75% |
Methodology of teaching the discipline |
75% |
Class management |
58,33% |
Have sufficient professional skills to successfully implement the current curriculum. |
75% |
Autonomy in searching, selecting, processing and communicating information |
50% |
Student-centered pedagogy |
50% |
Student evaluation (formative, summative, diagnostic; evaluation methods) |
66,66% |
Cultivating a school environment focused on values and skills |
75% |
Reconnecting students to educational goals |
75% |
Using ICT to improve the teaching-learning process |
100% |
Curriculum documents are written in an accessible language and can be easily understood / operationalized by you. |
66,66% |
You have adapted your teaching style in accordance with the methodological requirements promoted by the curricular changes |
75% |
The accuracy with which you apply the curricular provisions to the class positively influences the students’ results |
83,33% |
Your students appreciate the lessons you teach, the learning activities, and the teaching materials used |
75% |
The Ministry of Education provides you with enough support and professional development opportunities to cope with any curricular changes. |
75% |
Capitalizing on personal experience |
91,33% |
4. How do you think the aspects mentioned below help students to learn from class?
Very good knowledge of the concepts of the National Curriculum |
25% |
Predominant use of active-participatory methods |
83,33% |
Predominant use of active-participatory methods |
75% |
Focus on the learning experience rather than on storing information |
50% |
Knowledge of learning styles and design of differentiated tasks |
50% |
Using a wide range of teaching materials. |
91,66% |
Development of learning activities that connect with real life. |
58,33 |
Flexible organization of lesson moments (teaching, learning activities, assessment, etc.). |
75% |
The classes should be attractive and engaging. |
83,33% |
Priority use of formative assessment to measure skills development. |
91,66% |
Predominantly practical-applied approach to lessons. |
58,33 |
Collaborate with other colleagues to adapt to the needs of the class. |
16,66% |
Creating a friendly climate based on collaboration. |
83,33% |
The fidelity with which the curricular provisions are transposed into daily practice. |
91,66% |
Atmosphere during classes. |
50% |
5. In case of a curricular change / modification, which of the following aspects would motivate you the most to introduce it quickly and efficiently to the classes you teach (maximum 2 answers)?
6. To what extent is the family involved in the student’s learning activity?
It positively / negatively influences the student. |
75% |
Helps the student in the learning process. |
41,66% |
He has expectations related to the student’s school results. |
50% |
He is involved in school education. |
50% |
Reward the student. |
41,66% |
Represents a model for the student. |
66.66% |
7. The reasons why the student learns are:
The good grades he takes. |
75% |
The teacher inspires fear. |
16,66% |
The teacher is pleasant in physical appearance. |
16,66% |
To have a successful career .. |
16,66% |
The subject is interesting and attractive. |
50% |
The teacher explains their meaning. |
66,66% |
The attractive teaching style that the teacher has. |
58,3% |
Parents’ insistence that the student learn. |
41,6% |
The knowledge and skills gained will be useful later. |
33,33% |
The teacher is a model. |
33,33% |
Reward the student. |
33,33% |
8. What would help the student to be more motivated to learn?
Make the hours more attractive. |
80% |
Practical-applied approach to lessons. |
58% |
Atmosphere during classes. |
5o% |
9. To what extent do you think extracurricular activities help students in learning?
Very much Much Little Not at all
Very much 33.33% Much 41.66%
10. What contributes to building a successful career?
Motivation (will, perseverance) at work. |
83% |
Level of preparation and good school results. |
75% |
School and professional guidance. |
50% |
Family support. |
58% |
Effort at work. |
83% |
Choosing the right models. |
58% |
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Cristea, Sorin & Stanciu, Filip (2010). Fundamentals of Education. vol. 1. Bucharest: Pro Universitaria.
Cristea, Sorin (1998). Dictionary of Pedagogical Terms. Bucharest: Didactic and Pedagogical Publishing House.
Golu, M. Fundamentals of psychology. Bucharest: Romania de Maine Foundation Publishing House.
Piaget, J. (1965). Psychology of intelligence. Bucharest: Scientific Publishing House.
Sălăvăstru, Dorina (2004). Psychology of education. Foreword by Constantin Cucoş. Iasi: Polirom.
1 Graduated Student, Faculty of Communication and International Relations, Specialization Psychology, Danubius University of Galati, Romania, Address: 3 Galati Blvd., 800654 Galati, Romania, Tel.: +40372361102; Fax: +40372361290, Coresponding author:
New Trends in Psychology, Vol. 3, no 1/2021, pp. 50-72