New Trends in Psychology 2024-04-03T09:44:59+00:00 Susanu Neaga Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Frequency:&nbsp; 2 issues per year&nbsp;</strong>(February, October)<br><strong>Print ISSN:&nbsp;2668-0696</strong><br><br></p> The Role of Emotion-Focused Psychotherapy 2024-04-03T06:31:28+00:00 Carmen Hurduc (Zalum) <p>Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) is a experiential psychotherapy, integrative,<br>transdiagnostic, humanistic, evidence-based therapy, that has proven effective in treating a wide range<br>of problems and client populations. In this article I will present theories of emotion-centered therapy<br>about human functioning, psychological dysfunction and psychotherapeutic change, which is based on<br>the central role of emotion. Emotion-centered therapy has the task of helping clients to process emotion,<br>primarily by overcoming secondary, symptomatic emotions and also to reach more constructive,<br>fundamentally sensitive emotions and to develop new emotion-based narratives. Results: The research<br>was conducted on two case types using emotion-focused therapy, and the results were that people can<br>change by accepting and experiencing emotions, confronting them with different emotions to transform<br>them, and reflecting on them to create new narrative meanings. Conclusions: Given the results<br>presented, we can say that emotion-focused therapy has a significant effect on reducing clients’<br>emotions, helping clients to process emotion primarily by overcoming secondary, symptomatic<br>emotions and developing new emotion-based narratives.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Carmen Hurduc (Zalum) Regaining Control Over our Genes: Energy, Vibration, and Tibetan Singing Bowl Therapy 2024-04-03T06:58:23+00:00 Alexandra Matei <p>Our thought systems, positive intentions, and vibrations expressed through sound, writing,<br>and other forms, along with an individual's will to shape their life, constitute key elements in their<br>micro-universe and consciousness. Changes at this level offer a holistic understanding of the individual<br>and their experiences, influencing life quality emotionally, socially, economically, and spiritually. This<br>bidirectional interaction between the biological system and human capacity for transformation through<br>consciousness and belief remains a mystery for researchers and cognitive psychology. The paper<br>explores how our thoughts' vibrations can cause radical changes in the human body, thus improving or<br>not improving life quality. Although this hypothesis cannot be statistically quantified due to limited<br>resources, I will use my own experimental observation gained from providing sound healing treatments<br>in analyzing the hypothesis. Based on my clients' responses and specialized literature, an improvement<br>in the emotional and biological state of individuals who underwent the procedure was observed.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alexandra Matei The Relationship between the Type of Attachment and the Satisfaction within The Romantic Relationship 2024-04-03T07:09:29+00:00 Lacramioara Mocanu Madalina Ioana Isvanca Raluca Andreea Nechifor <p>The need for interpersonal connection is a fundamental human need, to feel<br>connected, closed and related with others. This need is one of the most powerful and<br>important reasons which stand for human behaviour, relationships and interactions.<br>The interpersonal connection has numerous aspects and influences upon all our<br>aspects of life. All people feel the need to connect with those around them, this need<br>being a universal one, that still appears from the first moments of life (Choi &amp; Marks,<br>2008; Calancea, 2021). Hence, each person needs emotional support, emotional<br>regulation, privacy, long-term relationships, collaboration, to be part of a<br>community, psychological well-being, understanding and acceptance.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Lacramioara Mocanu, Madalina Ioana Isvanca, Raluca Andreea Nechifor Modern Trends in Psychology 2024-04-03T07:31:44+00:00 Cristina Tomozei <p>Trends and research directions in the field of psychology are constantly changing with the<br>evolution of society and scientific discoveries. Cognitive psychology focuses on the study of higher<br>mental processes such as perception, attention, memory, thinking, language and problem solving.<br>Psychologists explore the ethical issues surrounding the collection, storage and use of personal data in<br>digital environments. Cross-cultural psychology is applied in various fields, including health,<br>education, business and interpersonal relationships. Health psychology provides tools and techniques<br>to manage stress associated with chronic medical conditions, trauma and other difficult life events.<br>Developmental psychology examines changes in thinking, memory, learning and other aspects of<br>cognitive functioning as people age.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cristina Tomozei How to Accept Yourself? 9 Tips to Love Yourself 2024-04-03T07:36:52+00:00 Marilena Cristina Platon <p>In our journey to happiness and personal fulfillment, one of the most important destinations<br>is self-love. It’s a delicate and often challenging process, but essential to building a healthy relationship<br>with ourselves and others. In this article, we will explore what it means to accept ourselves, the<br>connection between self-esteem and self-acceptance, the importance of self-love, and offer nine<br>practical tips to cultivate love and respect for ourselves.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Marilena Cristina Platon Impact of Family Life and Peer Influence on Social Adjustment of Adolescents with Visual Impairment in Kwara State, Nigeria 2023-10-31T10:50:47+00:00 Sunday Abimbola Abodunrin Assam Andy Edim <p>This paper examines the impact of family life and peer influence on social adjustment of adolescents with visual impairment <br>The objective of the study is to examine the relationship between family life, peer influence and social adjustment of adolescents with visual impairment, identify the joint contribution of family life, peer influence to social adjustment of adolescents with visual impairment, and to examine the relative contributions of family life and peer influence to social adjustment of adolescents with visual impairment. The study adopts survey research design. The data were collected using three (3) self made research instrument, this is to enable the researcher find out the influence of family life and peer influence on social adjustment of adolescents with visual impairment. The findings reveals that, thre is a significant relationship between family life, peer influence and social adjustment of adolescents with visual impairment, also there is joint contributions of family life, peer influence to social adjustment of adolescents with visual as well as significant relative contribution of family life, per influence to social adjustment of adolescents with visual impairment. The study therefore recommends that, adolescents with visual impairment must be encouraged to relate and interact with peers within and outside their environment. This will expose them to new ideas as well as improving their feelings towards others in the society.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sunday Abimbola Abodunrin The Mourning Process from Shattering to Integration 2024-04-03T08:00:48+00:00 Diana Alexandra Iacob <p>Grief is the process by which the experience of loss and the pain associated with it are<br>integrated at a psychological level and whose completion allows the person to reorient themselves<br>towards life, a world and a life that no longer include the deceased person. The loss of a loved one is a<br>natural event in the course of life and is at the same time one of life’s greatest challenges. The death of<br>a loved one is a major stressor for at least two main reasons: loss (the sudden break in the attachment<br>relationship) and the confrontation with the theme of death, perhaps one of man’s greatest fears.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Diana Alexandra Iacob Therapeutic Approach to Alcohol Addiction in Young People 2024-04-03T08:13:42+00:00 Ioana Margareta Mihai <p>Every day, we come across frantic headlines in the media about alcohol consumption, but<br>this subject is not given a qualitative and rational debate, scientifically based and attached to the reality<br>we live in. I have been wondering for some time what makes people use this drug and why the way<br>they react after consumption differs so much from one individual to another who consumes the same<br>beverage, and how they should be treated so as to reduce addictive consumption.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ioana Margareta Mihai Aggressiveness in Schools 2024-04-03T08:39:36+00:00 Nicoleta Oana Radu <p>School violence - includes, in addition to aggressive behavior, other behaviors: violent,<br>inappropriate or offensive expression - nicknames, imitations, teasing, ironies, injuries, etc. The<br>teacher-student relationship is very important, its dynamics are specific to the age of the student, the<br>specialization of the teacher, but also their involvement in combating aggression in the case of school.<br>The problem of school violence is a constant interest of European policies, becoming an official<br>problem on the agenda of educational policies, of governments all over the world. Human Fundamental<br>Rights are violated, as is the child’s right to physical and mental safety in school. Aggression can<br>become a vicious circle in which students become bullied, they tend to isolate themselves from those<br>around them and even from their family. We are talking about marginalization, in which the educational<br>environment becomes a field of struggle and survival, and classmates become enemies worthy of feared.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nicoleta Oana Radu Personality as a Selection Criterion for Education of the Mentally Deficient 2024-04-03T08:45:54+00:00 Cristina Stratulat <p>The mental deficiency problematics represents a controversial and thoroughly studied field<br>by the literature, the specificity of its typologies, its etiology and the inclusion of this particular category<br>in society in general and in education in particular, representing some of the few directions followed by<br>the specialists. This article proposes an exhaustive theoretical approach of the structure of personality<br>of the mentally deficient, with a particular incision on the deficiency of intellect and how its<br>symptomatic portrait can influence the integration of the mentally deficient and the selection of the type<br>of education, inclusive or separate. The personality is in this way perceived as a factor of influence but<br>at the same time as a premise for choosing the educational context for the mentally deficient.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cristina Stratulat Exploring the Interconnection between Quantum Physics and Quantum Multiverses 2024-04-03T09:14:06+00:00 Cristina Tomozei <p>Quantum physics is a fascinating and revolutionary field in science, continually challenging<br>the classical paradigms of our thinking and understanding of the universe. The concept of quantum<br>multiverses is an exciting paradigm in physics, proposing the existence of parallel realities that coexist<br>with our known universe. The development of quantum theories has been accompanied by a number of<br>philosophical interpretations. The concept of quantum multiverses brings with it significant<br>philosophical challenges and raises fundamental questions about the nature of reality and our place in<br>the cosmos.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cristina Tomozei The Excessive Use of “Screens” by Children - A Case Study for Developing Possible Therapeutic Approaches 2024-04-03T09:19:22+00:00 Florina Madalina Bisceanu <p>The technological advances of the last 20 years have had a profound impact on modern<br>society, bringing along important transformations. The advent of the internet, mobile phones and other<br>remote communication devices has accelerated the exchange of information, exponentially increasing<br>the amount of information being exchanged and processed by their users, which has put additional<br>strain on cognitive capacities. Moreover, social changes have been observed, for example, with children<br>and young people moving away from physical interaction towards a solitary lifestyle. Method- The<br>online questionnaire method was used on a sample of 94 respondents. The results of the questionnaire<br>will be discussed in this article. Results -This analysis includes the results of the questionnaire that led<br>to the conclusions that will be stated in this article. Discussion and conclusions - Most psychologists<br>believe that we are still far from obtaining scientific evidence on the duration of use of devices involving<br>screens to be able to provide relevant recommendations for therapeutic approaches. The implications<br>of excessive use of screen devices go beyond the realm of psychology and, as we shall see throughout<br>this paper, imaging investigations on children and adolescents reveal a significant negative impact on<br>the cortex, with tailored significance for each case studied, but more importantly, on the associated<br>disorders that arise as a result of excessive screen time.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Florina Madalina Bisceanu Impact of Modern Communication Technologies on Preschool Children 2024-04-03T09:33:46+00:00 Cristina Boboc <p>The use of modern technologies by preschoolers is a complex and current topic. In an<br>increasingly digitized society, children are exposed to electronic devices from an early age. Modern<br>communication technologies have become an integral part of everyday life, profoundly influencing the<br>way preschool children interact and learn. While technology can provide opportunities for learning and<br>development, there are also concerns about its overuse, impact on social-emotional skills, and potential<br>health risks. This paper examines the benefits and risks associated with early exposure to technology<br>and proposes strategies, effective educational practices, and recommended methods to effectively<br>manage technology use and to promote the healthy and balanced development of preschool children.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Cristina Boboc Maternal Single Parent Family 2024-04-03T09:40:58+00:00 Laura Iancu <p>Single parenthood following divorce often brings with it a decrease in the mother’s<br>involvement in her children’s upbringing, as demonstrated in a study by Bawin-Legros. This is<br>explained by the mother’s emotional overload. Single parenthood is slowly turning from a stigma into<br>a common feature, from abnormal to normal. The most consistent argument in this regard is that more<br>than a quarter of families in Romania are single-parent families. When families become single-parent<br>families as a result of divorce or separation of parents, the ties between the child and the parent with<br>whom he or she does not live permanently tend to break down in a very large number of cases.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Laura Iancu Psychic Effects of Insomnia 2024-04-03T09:44:59+00:00 Alexandra Rusu <p>Insomnia is a sleep disorder manifested by difficulty falling asleep, waking up during the<br>night or poor-quality sleep. The causes of insomnia are multiple, they can coexist and influence each<br>other. In the case of patients with chronic insomnia without association with other medical conditions,<br>a complex consultation is indicated. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends a medical<br>examination in order to eliminate suspicions related to the presence of some diseases, an anamnesis that<br>includes the patient's medical history, including psychiatric history.</p> 2024-04-03T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alexandra Rusu