Social Integration through the Prism of Social Inclusion
Social inclusion refers to respecting the status and rights of all people in a society, who must
have the opportunity to participate in its life in a relevant way and enjoy equal treatment with others.
Social inclusion is a process that provides people at risk of poverty and social exclusion with the
necessary opportunities and resources to fully participate in the economic, social and cultural life of
society, ensuring them a standard of living considered decent in the society in which they live. The
social inclusion research process must take into account that forms of exclusion are interdependent and therefore the exclusion of a person or group in one area could lead to exclusion in other areas. The
ultimate goal of social inclusion is to guarantee the integration of each individual into society, regardless
of the presence of limiting elements.
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Online Sources
Handbook for the Integrative Approach to Gender Equality, Electronic source
%A3ii-KE8108293RON.pdf, accessed: 19.09.2022.
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