Public Opinion and the Formulation of Whistleblowing Policy of the Muhammadu Buhari Administration: Impact and Lesson for Future Implementation



Public opinion should be at the forefront of policy creation and implementation since it is essential to the legitimacy of government policies. The Nigerian public's perception of corruption served as the foundation for the Muhammadu Buhari administration's whistleblowing policy, which was implemented as a weapon in the war against corruption. This study determined whether there is a relationship between public opinion and the Muhammadu Buhari administration's whistleblowing policy and also identified ways that public support and opinion can be explored to strengthen Nigeria's whistleblowing policy. The study drew data from primary source gotten through the administration of questionnaire on local government workers. The study findings demonstrate that there is no relationship between public opinion and the creation of the Muhammadu Buhari administration's whistleblowing policy, that the policy was not developed in response to public perceptions of corruption, and that Nigerians lack confidence in the policy's ability to significantly reduce corruption. Additionally, the study findings demonstrate that public enlightenment will improve public involvement in the implementation of the policy, that media awareness and sensitization will contribute to the policy efficiency, and that civil society advocacy and support will further promote the policy efficacy. The study came to the conclusion that public opinion could have a positive impact on the whistleblowing policy if media awareness and civil society advocacy increased public involvement in the policy's implementation.

Author Biography

Peter Irabor, Adeleke University, Ede, Osun State, Nigeria

Peter Irabor is a PhD holder and Lecture at the Department of Political Science and Public Administration, Adeleke University, Ede, Nigeria


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How to Cite

Irabor, P., Irabor, P., Shobowale, L., & Okon, C. (2025). Public Opinion and the Formulation of Whistleblowing Policy of the Muhammadu Buhari Administration: Impact and Lesson for Future Implementation . Acta Universitatis Danubius. Administratio, 16(1). Retrieved from


