Governance, Internet Usage and Sustainable Development Goal of Hunger Reduction in South Africa and Nigeria
Internet technology usage is a veritable support to public governance albeit somewhat understudied. Objective: The objective of the paper is to evaluate whether a combination of public governance and internet usage assists in achieving sustainable development goal (SDG) of hunger reduction. Prior Work: the paper is inclined on past theories, which suggest that governance combined with internet technology is vital in achieving SDG of hunger reduction. Approach: Data were collected from the World Bank Development Indicators and from the World Wide Governance Indicators. Data were analysed using the fixed effect panel regression. Results: Results show that effective governance alone is insignificantly related to achievement of SDG goal 2, but after the inclusion of internet usage into the model, public governance proves to be significantly related to SDG 2 (hunger reduction). Implication: African governments should subsidize internet access for the poor and should prioritize governance effectiveness to reduce hunger and achieve Sustainable Development Goal 2. Further research should evaluate the relationship between government subsidization of internet data for the poor and hunger reduction. Value: this paper provides first approach, which suggests that introducing internet usage into the governance variable enhances governance effectiveness toward achieving sustainable development goal of hunger reduction.
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