Counterfeiting Stamps Or Postal Effects


  • Ioana Rusu


In this paper, we proceeded to examine one of the crimes that are part of the group of false crimes provided by Romanian law, respectively the crime of forgery of stamps or postal effects.

The paper itself includes an introductory part in which we have made an overview of this incrimination, by reference to the provisions of the previous law, as well as a brief examination of the legal and material object, the constitutive content and the forms and modalities of its commission.

I also highlighted the consistency shown by the Romanian legislator, who incriminated this deed since the Criminal Code of 1864.

As part of a university course to be published later, the paper can be useful for students of the profile faculties as well as for practitioners in the field.


The Romanian Constitution;
Penal Code;
The Criminal Code of 1864;
Carol II Criminal Code;
Ministry of Justice, Carol II Criminal Code, Official Edition, prepared according to art. 608 of the law decreed under no. 3274/1938 published in the Official Gazette no. 222 of September 24, 1938, with the introduction in the text of the amendments made by: decree-law no. 3629/1939, published in the Official Gazette no. 233 of October 7, 1939 and decree-law no. 652/940, published in the Official Gazette no. 52 of March 2, 1940, Penit Printing and Cardboard Workshops. "Văcărești", Bucharest, 1940;
George St. Bădulescu and George T. Ionescu, The Criminal Code annotated with Romanian and French jurisprudence and doctrine, with a preface by I. Tanoviceanu, Bucharest, Ed. Tip ziarului CURIERUL JUDICIAR 5, Rahovei, 5, 1911;
Vintilă Dongoroz in Vintilă Dongoroz (scientific consultant; title VII; final provisions; leader and coordinator of the entire volume), Siegfried Kahane, Ion Oancea, Iosif Fodor, Nicoleta Iliescu, Constantin Bulai, Rodica Stănoiu, Victor Roșca, Theoretical Explanations of the Romanian Penal Code, vol. IV, Special part, Romanian Academy Publishing House, Bucharest, 1972;
Iuliana Nedelcu in, Georgiana Bodoroncea, Valerian Cioclei, Irina Kuglay, Lavinia Valeria Lefterache, Teodor Manea, Iuliana Nedelcu, Francisca-Maria Vasile, George Zlati, Criminal Code, Commentary on articles, 3rd Edition, Ed. CH. Beck, Bucharest, 2020;
M. I. Papadopolu commentary, in Const. G. Rătescu, I. Ionescu-Dolj, I. Gr. Periețeanu, Vintilă Dongoroz, H. Aznavorian, Traian Pop, Mihail I. Papadopolu, N. Pavelescu, Carol II Criminal Code, Annotated, vol. II, Part special I, Art. 184-442, Ed. Librăriei SOCEC & Co., SA, Bucutrești, 1937;
Ion Ristea, Criminal Law, Special Part, vol. II, University Course, Universul Juridic Publishing House, Bucharest, 2020;
Mihail Udroiu, Synthesis of Criminal Law, Special Part, Edition 2, vol. II, C.H. Beck Publishing House, Bucharest, 2021.




How to Cite

Rusu, I. (2021). Counterfeiting Stamps Or Postal Effects: Array. Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, 17(3). Retrieved from



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