Abuse of Position for Sexual Purposes
the Romanian Criminal Code; recent doctrine; pre-existing elements; constitutive contentAbstract
This paper includes a brief analysis of a new crime included in the Romanian Criminal Code. In the introductory part we have presented the incrimination referring to the need to incriminate it, as it is appreciated by the legislator. We have also examined, using recent doctrine, the pre-existing conditions of the crime, the constitutive content, as well as other relevant elements, the forms, modalities and sanctions provided by the law. Last but not least, we referred to some elements of similarity or difference from other crimes. The paper is part of a university course to be published in the near future. As designed, the paper can be useful to academia and practitioners in this field.
Gavril Paraschiv în George Antoniu, Tudorel Toader (coordonatori), Versavia Brutaru, Ștefan Daneș, Constantin Duvac, Ioan Griga, Ion Ifrim, Gheorghe Ivan, Gavril Paraschiv, Ilie Pascu, Ion Rusu, Marieta Safta, Iancu Tănăsescu, Tudorel Toader, Iona Vasiu, Explicațiile noului Cod penal, vol. IV, Articolele 257-366, Ed. Universul Juridic, București, 2016;
Ilie Pascu în, Vasile Dobrinoiu, Ilie Pascu, Mihai Adrian Hotca, Ioan Chiș, Mirela Gorunescu, Costică Păun, Maxim Dobrinoiu, Norel Neagu, Mircea Constantin Sinescu, Noul Cod penal, comentat, Partea specială, Ediția a III-a, revăzută și adăugită, Ed. Universul Juridic, București, 2016;
Codul penal (Legea nr. 286/2009), Expunere de motive, prefață de prof. univ. dr. Valerian Cioclei – membru al Comisiei de elaborare, Ed. C.H.Beck, București, 2009;
Codul penal
Codul de procedură penală.
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