Spatial Distributions of Regional Economic Activity
Simultaneous globalization tendencies have created policy challenges for national and
local governments. One response to these challenges has been a dramatic proliferation of
development policies based on clusters of firms and industries. In EU Strategy 2020 – COM
546/6.10.2010 Initiative “An Union of Innovation”, COM 614/27.10.2010 Initiative “Industrial Policy
in the Globalization Era” innovative clusters were considered the “engine” of economic development.
They represent a framework for business development, collaboration between companies,
universities, research institutions, suppliers, customers and competitors located in the same
geographical area. Clusters of small and medium sized firms in developing economies are coming
under increased pressure from competition as products mature, technology becomes widely available,
and companies seek lower cost locations for production. In this paper, we consider that the cluster is
an engine for economic development in our region and we need to have a regional strategy for
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