Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics
This paper investigates the relationship between the macroeconomic variables, leverage and
the stock returns on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange using ARDL bounds testing approach and Vector
error correction model. A further analysis on the effects of leverage on volatility was done using a
generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (GARCH 1,1) method. The study revealed
that there is co-integrating relationship between macroeconomic variables and stock returns.
Particularly, there is a long run relationship between stock returns and real GDP, and also between stock
returns and interest rates. Additionally, this paper shows that leverage affects the volatility of stock
prices. Finally, it is noted that after disequilibrium the economic model will always adjust to equilibrium
at a rate of thirty-three percent within a year. Since leverage positively influence volatility in stock
returns investors that are risk averse should avoid highly geared firms.
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