Obesity Social Stigmatization the Cause of Depression


  • Veronica Epureanu Danubius University of Galati


obesity; stigmatization; biological; economic; overweight; psychological factors


Obesity involves multiple interactions between genetic, social, behavioral, metabolic, cellular and molecular factors that result in changes in energy balance. Obesity is also a physical disease, but also a psychological one, and a closer look will show that psychological problems not only can foreshadow the development of obesity, but they are intrinsic to weight loss attempts. Discrimination against obese people extends beyond the medical office. For example, at school, students face prejudice on the basis of extra pounds, coming from both colleagues and teachers, points out Dr. Puhl. Discrimination on the basis of obesity occurs early, studies suggest. Of all the psychological factors that can influence childhood obesity, stress is the strongest, but unfortunately it is the last to be considered by parents in such cases. In addition to stress, depression and boredom are other psychological factors that can cause children to overeat. Last but not least, there are social or economic factors that can be associated with childhood obesity. For example, a low level of education deprives the child of healthy eating habits.

Author Biography

Veronica Epureanu, Danubius University of Galati

Student, Faculty of Communication and International Relation, , Specialization Psychology


The Negative Stigma of Obesity and its Consequences.
Flynn, M. A.; McNeil, D. A.; Maloff, B. et al. (2006). Reducing obesity and related chronic disease risk in children and youth: a synthesis of evidence with ‘best practice’ recommendations. Obesity Reviews. Suppl. 1: pp. 7-66.
Eva Shelhub MD (2015). Nutritional psychiatry: Your brain on food. Harvard Health Blog.




How to Cite

Epureanu, V. . (2021). Obesity Social Stigmatization the Cause of Depression: Array. Danubius Working Papers, 2(1). Retrieved from https://dj.univ-danubius.ro/index.php/DWP/article/view/917


