Comparative Analysis of the Role and Functions of Public Accounts Committees (PACs) & Accountability Mechanisms in Nordic Countries



Government Accountability, Public Accounts Committees (PACs), Public Finance, Public Spending, Transparency


A Public Accounts Committee (PAC) is an essential parliamentary bodies within a legislature found in many countries around the world to oversee the spending of public funds and ensure that the funds are used efficiently and effectively and ensures transparency and accountability within the government. Public Accounts Committees (PACs) play a crucial role in ensuring transparency and accountability in government spending and also in holding the executive branch accountable for its use of public funds. This research conducts a comparative analysis of the role and functions of Public Accounts Committees (PACs) across Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden), aiming to provide insights into the variations and commonalities within these parliamentary oversight bodies. The analysis encompasses factors such as legal frameworks, parliamentary procedures, institutional relationships with audit offices, and the level of public engagement. By examining the structure, mandate, powers, and operational mechanisms of PACs in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, this study seeks to identify similarities and differences in their approaches to financial oversight. It will explore how these variations are shaped by factors like the specific institutional design of each Nordic parliament, the historical development of their public finance systems, and the cultural emphasis on transparency and good governance within these countries. Additionally, the research evaluates the effectiveness of PACs in fulfilling their oversight responsibilities and highlights potential challenges faced by these committees in the Nordic context. Ultimately, this comparative study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of parliamentary financial oversight mechanisms in Nordic countries and offer valuable insights for enhancing the accountability and transparency of public financial management systems.

Author Biography

Junaid Butt, Advocate High Court, Member AJK BAR COUNCIL,  2nd Floor Old Courts Plaza, Muzafarabad, Azad Kashmir, PAKISTAN

Mag. Junaid Sattar Butt, LL.M, is a highly accomplished legal professional with a diverse educational background and a wealth of practical experience. Holding a Master of Laws (LL.M) and a Bachelor of Laws (LL.B). Butt brings a unique blend of legal expertise and financial acumen to his professional endeavors. In addition to his legal qualifications. Further holds a Master's degree in Political Science (MA), MBA in Finance and a Bachelor's degree in Commerce (B.Com), showcasing his commitment to a comprehensive understanding of both legal and socio-political landscapes. With over four years of practical experience as an Advocate in both District and High Courts, Mag. Butt has demonstrated exceptional skills in legal practice, including litigation, advocacy and drafting. His proficiency extends to acadamia, where he has served as a Lecturer imparting legal knowledge and expertise. Butt has also contributed significantly in his role as a Legal Research Officer at Malik Law Associates. His research publications stand as a testament to his dedication to advancing legal understanding and knowledge. Throughout his career, Mag. Junaid Sattar Butt has proven himself to be a committed and knowledgeable professional, seamlessly combining his educational background with practical experience in the legal field. His multifaceted expertise positions him as a valuable asset in legal practice, academia, and research.


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How to Cite

Butt, J. (2024). Comparative Analysis of the Role and Functions of Public Accounts Committees (PACs) & Accountability Mechanisms in Nordic Countries. The Journal of Accounting and Management, 14(1), 152–182. Retrieved from


