Formation of Successful Personality in the Vision of Outstanding Contemporaries


  • Oksana Bashtovenko


Globalization; humanism; tolerance; success; education


The article is devoted to the disclosure of the positions and considerations of prominent contemporaries who are world leaders in business, education, journalism, and politics. We analyze the speeches in which they speak about their position, give advice for university graduates. The analysis of the speeches provided an opportunity to identify the global problems of humanity and listen to personal recommendations regarding the crisis in society. What is success, how to achieve it? What are the main obstacles and important points on the way to achieving success? Can the success of one person be considered a priority and the main criterion of life? What do outstanding personalities consider an important moment for their lives, what prospects do they predict for all of humanity? There are answers to such important questions. These answers are found in the global pillars of liberal arts education - critical thinking and humanity.


1. BBC news. Elon Musk became the richest man in the world. Here are six principles of his success/BBC news. Илон Маск стал самым богатым человеком в мире. Вот шесть принципов его успеха [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: дата обращения 13.06.2021.
2. G. Hesse Letters in a circle/ Письма по кругу. 1987.
3. Draft concept of education development in Ukraine for the period 2015-2025/ Проект концепции рарвития образования Украины на период 2015-2025 років. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: дата обращения 05.04.2021.
4. Interview with the Ruler of Dubai, Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum on the radio "Echo of Moscow"/Интервью с Правителем Дубая, премьер-министр ОАЭ шейх Мохаммед Аль Мактум на радио «Эхо Москвы» [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: дата обращения 03.05.2021.
5. Pometun O., Pirozhenko L. Modern lesson. Interactive learning technologies/ Современный урок. Интерактивные технологии обучения: Науч.-метод. пос. К.: А.С.К. 2004. 192 с.
6. Online magazine Psichologies. Natalie Portman: "I'm not trying to act right"/Он-лайн журнал Psichologies. Натали Портман: «Я не стараюсь вести себя правильно» [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: дата обращения 04.05.2021.




How to Cite

Bashtovenko , O. (2021). Formation of Successful Personality in the Vision of Outstanding Contemporaries: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 11(1). Retrieved from



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