Liability for The Robot’s Own Deed


  • Anca Florina Mateescu


artificial intelligence; subjects of law; civil law; legislation


The research of the proposed theme aims to demonstrate the existence of civil legal liability in the case of agencies with artificial intelligence, not only regarding human beings.

There are already several studies of scientists in this field, and they have resulted in not only theoretical concepts, but also actual results, namely: robots. European legislation has also enshrined rules that consider the legal relationship of robots with humans.

The methods we understand to use are quantitative, logical method, sociological method, comparative method.

The conclusions of the article capture the importance of recognizing robots as subjects of civil law, corresponding to their degree of understanding and perception of reality, but also of assuming the consequences of their deed.

This analysis can be useful: university professors, researchers in the field, doctrinaires, students, juries. The listing is not a limiting one, as the research is relevant to all those interested in this topic.

The novelty of the study consists in formulating ideas based on existing legislation, but also based on the opinion poll of some professionals. The research will show that robots are also responsible for their own deed, bringing both arguments and counterarguments.


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How to Cite

Mateescu, A. F. (2021). Liability for The Robot’s Own Deed: Array. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 11(2). Retrieved from



Danubian Economy and Legislation