The Contributions to the History of the Forest Fund' Institutionalization of Bessarabia During the 19-20 Centuries


  • Gheorghe Cojocaru Institute of History
  • Cătălina Frangopol Moldova State University


Forest Fund; Bessarabia; environment


During the 19th and 20th centuries, forest' management in historical Bessarabia was carried out through laws, regulations and specialized institutions, with the idea of planning the management of a multi-year forest fund. The administrative measures taken in this regard have undergone changes depending on the events, processes and phenomena that took place in the Russian Empire, in the Romanian space and in its environs.

Author Biographies

Gheorghe Cojocaru, Institute of History

Assoc. prof. dr. hab.

Cătălina Frangopol, Moldova State University

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Cojocaru, G., & Frangopol, C. (2023). The Contributions to the History of the Forest Fund’ Institutionalization of Bessarabia During the 19-20 Centuries. Journal of Danubian Studies and Research, 12(2). Retrieved from



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