Principles of Formation and Functions of the Mechanism of Sustainable Development of Enterprises of the Danube Region
sustainable development; mechanism of sustainable development of enterprises of the Danube region; principles of the mechanism of sustainable development; functions of the mechanism of sustainable development; management of sustainable developmentAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the principles and functions of the mechanism of sustainable development of enterprises in the Danube region. Based on the generalization of existing approaches to defining the principles of the mechanism of sustainable development, a three-level system of principles of the mechanism of sustainable development was developed, which includes the principles of managing sustainable development, methodological principles of the mechanism of sustainable development, and principles of social responsibility. It is also determined that the practical implementation of the tasks of the mechanism of sustainable development of enterprises of the Danube region is carried out through the implementation of functions, among which two groups are distinguished: the functions of managing sustainable development and the functions of ensuring sustainable development.
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